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Vegas FX400

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Everything posted by Vegas FX400

  1. i knew it was gonna happen, same as pete with the turn your speakers up, but it still made me jump......
  2. ^^^ thats some funny shiat....
  3. even though i was at amargossa.... 1. someone that weighs 100 lbs. lighter than you with a slower bike CAN beat you up comp hill 2. Girl With Horns like to have oil sprayed on her....... 3. Some Really FAT guys look like REALLY FAT girls some times( " Damn thats a big B@#ch........oh that's a man") :redhat: 4. Polaris trial bikes are REALLY heavy to get unstuck.... 5. oh yea, and last of all, I WASNT AT DUMONT AGAIN
  4. congrats on the new job cole .............i'll stop by one of these days and check it out.
  5. exactly........thats what im talkin about..
  6. sh%t,,,,,,,let it go already, whats done is done.
  7. some where on the front side of amargosa.....
  8. saweet.........nice job man....and i bet those DO make it go really fassssssssttt
  9. i know i wont be at dumont, we'll be at amargossa, but we're doing a crab boil on friday night.......mmmmmmmmm...crab, potatoes,.corn,hot links.......yummy
  10. i know verizon does, nextel doesnt.....not sure about the rest
  11. the jones and trop store is rocket fuel or lightning fuel..sumthin like that
  12. are you sure it was the north pole???????
  13. no, ive never camped there before.......dont think id wanna try and find it at night.
  14. we're leaving to go thurs night....should be there about 9 or so
  15. sorry i didnt make it man, i was also supposed to go by and get a treadmill form my cousin, but didnt get time to do that also......just didnt want ya thinkin i was like " f that"
  16. that really sucks.....sorry to hear that, i hope they get whats comin to them
  17. not sure....we'll be out there also....
  18. another Mitch.....I seen a bum eating grapes......i told him ..............you gotta wait.
  19. those people can just go s@#% a ^$%^#@% fat *&^%
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