just your basic tripod halogen.....craftsman or somethin........cant remember if it's a double or single,,,,,,but it's a light.........just thought i would mention it........damn...........................lol
i'll be outta town that weekend, but i have a stand alone shop light if someone want to swing by the job and pick it up or i could giev it to paulypaul when he rents his car.......just lemme know
it will pull fine.......I have a 1/2 ton 04 ford and tow a 23 ft toyhauler with mine.....if your just towin a flatbed w/ a couple of quads, your good to go
cold beer sounds good, since my a/c went out on the house last night. :chev_bowtie: but good thing i have a friend in the a/c buis.......gettin fixed right now....
that jeep sounds mean.....thats sweet....and laracco, he's a D**k, i met him a few years ago when he came into town. Rented from us, i loaded up his car and the whole time he was just acting like a huge penus.....but his wife was HOT
Im takin Arlovski. I like them both....but think arlovski is an awsome fighter....And Tito.....shamrock used be be bad a$$, but hes like 80 yrs old now ....i like tito because he's a pr**k..........and a good fighter