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Vegas FX400

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Everything posted by Vegas FX400

  1. :monkeedance2: what about the robo cop
  2. dont get too crazy out there eddie..... :monkeedance2:
  3. sweet man......all u need now is a disco ball and fog machine for that huge a$$ dancefloor......
  4. won't be able to make it for clean up.......sorry guys.....couldnt find anyone to work for me this weekend.....F*&kers.........tip a few( or more ) back for me......
  5. snoopy or He-Man sheets...........
  6. that thing is huge.........very sweet though......good job man...
  7. I took mine out to coral pink last year but never used it........gonna bring it one time out to dumont and give it a shot.....but must have lots a beer....
  8. I agree with you pete....................... :angry2:
  9. my new one( the one with red and blck graphics)
  10. thanks alot man......i dont have rv parking or anything so i think i should get one....
  11. yea that does sound great. Is it the same one on trialer-alarms.com???? pm me the info, might just be interested in puchasing one.
  12. Very sweet car man...I remember seeing that out there at comp for pres. weekend
  13. another one is NAJA's down in hermosa beach.................sh*t load of beer on tap.......
  14. i have the same make and year, i put a new trinity pipe and header on it,so i have the old Big Gun slip on exhaust that i originally put on it....willing to part w/it or about $75 bucks.....just lemme know....
  15. Thats F'd up, i dont get off until 6 and im on trop and jones..................guess i'll have to go to Mulligans
  16. is that custom upolstery on the first one, or is that stock
  17. a bunch of us use to go to the Hawk all the time, but alot of the good bartenders left, so no more free drinks for us............. But on to the topic of dive bars....The Blue Ox on Eastern, cold beer and good food and a good game of pool
  18. yea that was a nice truck....they were runnin it up and down right by our camp
  19. nah, i just know that they were estimating around 30,000
  20. sorry to hear that man.............guess i better unload mine tonight when i get home.....
  21. was a great weekend.........little hung over sunday....started drinkin at 8am saturday.........was glad to meet some of ddr................even though i can only remember a little.........also sorry if i was babbling too much or just doing and sayin stupid sh*t....................
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