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  • Name
  • Sand Toys
    1-2021 Honda Talon R2 1-2006 Yamaha Raptor 80 1-1985 Honda ATC200X
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    Cresson TX
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  1. 2 Seat Sand Toys "T" Top Sand Rail. Sold for 3,500
  2. From what I have heard the cage collapsed.
  3. Is there any report on her condition yet? We are praying for her and her family!
  4. I bought a throwaway Verizon phone from Walmart for 15 bucks and it comes with 30 mins of airtime. You can then add time to it whenever you go out. The mins expire after 30 days unless you add more time every month, a min of 15 bucks but its a great thing to have in an emergency.
  5. Looking for polished NOT powdercoated Douglas 15x5.5 front wheels. Scott 626-201-2584
  6. Not mine but....http://www.race-dezert.com/classifieds/index.php?ct=wheeltire&md=details&id=78666
  7. What is the measurement on the mounting surface (between the mounting tabs) on a 40"?
  8. I'm looking for a pair of 15x12 std offset Douglas Billet Sand Star wheels. Non beadlock or Beadlock for the right price. Text only 626-241-6905 Scott. Send pics, price and location.
  9. The Valero in Baker has VP110 in 5Gal pails. I don't know the price.
  10. Let me preface this by saying I did not/do not know anyone involved in this accident. I did see the events leading up to the impact. There was NO jump involved. A wheelie yes. Speed about 35-45mph.
  11. The impact was the right front of the quad to the left front of the rail. The quad spun down the side of the rail then under the left rear flipping the rail into a barrelroll. Yes he drove away but he had a law enforcement escort. And there was no alcohol on the rail drivers breath. And the driver had no liability insurance. As cheap as it is I don't understand it.
  12. The rail driver was escorted by the sheriffs to the sheriffs compound. As of sat night (just before dark) the car was still in the compound.
  13. I was parked at comp and the impact was about 20' behind my car. Rail was on a wheelie up the lip at the bottom of comp. The frontend didn't hit the ground until just before impact.
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