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Everything posted by Zeiter88

  1. 2003 Nomad Rampage Toyhauler. Only 350 hours on Onan 5500 Generator. Runs Perfectly. Awning in perfect shape. Brand new interior; couch, beds, mattresses, window treatments, carpet, kitchen floor, etc. Brand new exterior speakers. Brand new tires. Triple axle. 24 feet of interior garage space. 25 Gallon Fueling Station. 2 AC units, satellite TV, Solar Panel, Full Bath with tub. Tons of cabinets. Queen master bedroom. Just in time for dune season. Also included in price is a 2006 Honda TRX450-ER. Paddles, exhaust, HRC kit, nerf bars, Hauser +2 steering stem, Tag bars, desert tank, etc... also a 2006 Suzuki LTZ400. Wifes quad. paddles, nerf bars custom Alba graphics. Having Baby, must sell. Please feel free to email, call or text and I will send more pics. $21,000 OBO. Justin 775-513-1967.
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