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About sandmandan

  • Birthday August 24

Profile Information

  • Name
  • Sand Toys
    Tatum Spyder with ls-1 stroker
    Yamaha YXZ1000R

  • Location
    Reno Nevada
  • Gender
  • Occupation
    Retired Firefighter
  • Hobbies
    Fun in the sand with friends. Racing dirt bikes, racing street bikes. Fast stuff

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  1. Great report! Very jealous. Hate when my friends are there without me. 😄
  2. Sand is untouched and ready soon as the “W” stops. Been blowing most of last 3 days...
  3. We’ll be there Tuesday afternoon waiting for the rest of you! 👍👍
  4. 60 degrees but rained all night. Still sprinkling.
  5. I’ll be there on the 26th staying through the weekend.
  6. It belongs to my Friend. She put it on the Facebook site but didn’t know how to put it on here. Any chance that you found it? Dan
  7. Lost galaxy S-7, with pink Otter box case, near bathroom #6.
  8. 15 is still closed Baker to NV state line.
  9. Beautiful day today. Lived through drizzle all day yesterday. Time to play!!
  10. Perfect weather. 59 degrees and sunny. Place is empty.
  11. I just got here! Under the awning cocktail in hand!!
  12. We hope to be there night of the 23rd!!
  13. Headed out Christmas Eve headed home New Years Day.
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