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Everything posted by dinicolada

  1. I broke out the bike early this year usually don’t start ridding till April still cold in the Mornings, gets about 45MPG. :shocked2:
  2. I was thinking the same thing a little later in the day, we’ll be there!!! :chev_bowtie:
  3. Having two boys get out of a car, walk up your driveway and ask where is your daughter?? :jester: :rainbow1:
  4. Good job Nick, I know it’s a good feeling when you can do a rebuild like that and it turns out. Good luck this weekend but don’t get to excited and get hurt on that thing.
  5. Sorry I didn’t make out last night I fell asleep waiting it sucks getting old. I was really looking forward to hang out with you guys again maybe next time!!! :kissass: :boyyy:
  6. So what is the plan for tonight? Me and the wif might be up for a few drinks later tonight. :angry2:
  7. Not at all Ken I'm very happy with my "1987" POS :angry2:
  8. Best pic. I've seen all season!!! Welcome back!!!
  9. Weigh the good’s and the bad’s on both trailer and see witch one you like better. All trailers will have things that you don’t really like so you have to find the one that has the least. Good luck hunting! And welcome to the bourd!!
  10. I’m PADI certified and feel very confident when I go diving; it’s been a long time for me too because I won’t dive Lake Mead anymore, but my diving training was done here in Vegas in a class room and I thing it was very extensive for open water certification. Sad story god speed!!! :smoker:
  11. Pete what do you mean by wont turn off? Does the fan keep running but the burner turn off? Or are they both staying on? There is a time on the board that will keep the fan on after the burner goes out, it may run for a few minutes after you turns it off to cool the coils and purge out any unburt gas. :no_no:
  12. You’ve been disowned!!! :beer_bang: :freakin_nuts:
  13. Good work Pete I’m imprested, We will be shore and stop in on the next dune trip!!! :gayboy: :porn:
  14. I had a great trip great people to camp with but 1 not so good. Weather was nice and the sand was awsome, I got the wife and kids to the super bowl From banshee hill. No body showed up at the meet and greet but we (Dave and Jackie also)were still there. The drive home was pretty sh*tty windy and raining. Got some pics. :chug:
  15. I had a great trip great people to camp with but 1 not so good. Weather was nice and the sand was assume, I got the wife and kids to the supper bowl From banshee hill. No body showed up at the meet and greet but we where still there. The drive home was pretty sh*tty windy and raining. Got some pics.
  16. Thanks Pete wish more DDR peeps were going but you guys got to go last weekend and we didnt we will do a meet and great at the south pole to keep up the tradition
  17. There in the gallery under DDR members albums in folder dinicolada
  18. We’re going out this weekend 24th-27th anybody else going to be there? Meet and greet at the south pole Saturday 2:00pm? :wedgie:
  19. I'm in if you drop it to 44 altho my wife can make at 45 :wedgie:
  20. Where still here, Kelly mostly reads over my shoulder because I hog the computer I have been on here many time's a day they block it at my work now so I don’t have much time for posting just enjoying the great chat that goes on here. We would never leave our dune family!! You guys are too funny!!!!
  21. Sorry Cole already started one. my bad!!!!
  22. Me and the wifey will be there. I always like smelling paint when I drink beer! Then again I like anything while I'm drinking beer!!!! :dance:
  23. Great news!!!! Marry christmas and many more to come to the little guy and his family!!!! Hang in there. Look forward to the updates daily.:praying:
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