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Everything posted by DuNe~Rydher

  1. I've heard its a waste of time, like a crappy garage sale. Not coming from me though, I've never been...
  2. Amazing dude, looks like a BLAST. I felt like I was watching a movie trailer, that was a tease now I want to see and experience the whole thing lol. Thanks for sharing that!
  3. Delete with EFI Live for sure. Pahrump has no smog right? You can do anything...
  4. Nik what year is it? I have a 2012 i've done a lot to and definitely can give you some tips.
  5. I sent wolf an email for a quote a week ago with no response, so I said the hell with it i'll try to go local. Thanks ill look into proline as well.
  6. I know there's a couple places in the vegas area, anyone have any experiences with any of them? Thinking of wrapping my 4 door rzr 1000.
  7. That's why i love my 450, i'm so comfortable on it I feel like its just an extension of me. Plus I've put a lot of work and $ into her. Ugh tough decision, I don't wanna keep it just to keep it and have it sit in my garage while i drive the buggy. We'll see...not in a rush. Thanks for sharing Jodi!
  8. Doh! Sorry Pete! Here, my Dad (76) my Mom (63) and me perched on top of comp about to haul azz down
  9. my 09 YFZ 450r was my baby and loved/love riding it. Enter new RZR and a body that doesn't ache after a day of riding. Needless to say I don't ride the quad much anymore, when I do get the itch to ride it I regret it mid dune run lol. Between the quad beating me up and it being a pain to fit it, and the rzr to bring them both to Dumont, I'm thinking of selling it. BUT I'm so worried ill have sellers remorse!!! Who's sold a toy and totally regretted it??
  10. the pics of the night sky in that last bunch are amazing, ill try to post a few tonight.
  11. She'll be fine, especially by 12 its harder packed along the ridge.
  12. TH coming home tonight, let the prepping begin. Can't wait to get out there, you guys see the weather forecast!?
  13. Hey, it didn't stop you guys and that's all that matters. The weather man who's never right says it's suppose to be nice til past Prez day. Hoping for dry days and windy nights til then.
  14. Dogs are perfectly fine with us You don't have to rope off, some do. Where we will be though, you really don't need to as it's farther from the chaos and less crowded. You won't get stuck where we're camping, make a left as soon as you get up the entrance hill and follow the ridge line to the camp... If you have Verizon you will get service where we camp, but not everywhere at Dumont. When we camp by 6 we don't get service. I've heard other providers are less likely to have service. Hope that helps.
  15. i'll post a pic of my rig tomorrow, Rick. Stephen
  16. Didn't realize my truck keys were in my hoodie pocket on our last ride of a day trip. (stupid) We stopped during the ride to let my sister try and ride the quad...I realized I had my wives dad's truck keys in my pocket....but where were mine?? I hauled back to the trucks to find them, truck locked, no keys...The sun was going down and my wife gave me that look like I was about to try to catch a bullet with my teeth. Did I mention I had family in town visiting? long story shorter, while everyone packed up the trailers and other truck, I looked around the dunes with about 15 minutes of usable light left....as I rolled back to the truck accepting my fate as a dead man, a guy came up from behind me that saw me looking for them at banshee. He FOUND them! I gave him $20 and my wife let me live to tell the story.
  17. Yep, you're more than welcome to join us. We'll probably be around E3-E4 on the grid map, on the ridge a little past bathroom 12. Farther from the chaos of Pres day, safer for the kids with less idiots hauling a$$ through your camp. Less dust to if there's no wind.
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