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Everything posted by DuNe~Rydher

  1. I believe you. The body work on that thing...the lines..wow. Amazing job. Can't wait to see it finished. Sent from the dune in front of you
  2. we were up there as well over the 4th, what an awesome weekend of riding it was. We also rode from our camp near the village to Pangutich Lake, then took an alternate route back hitting Mammoth Spring on the way. That was on Sunday, we were flirting with thunder storms the entire day, thunder cracking all around..but we actually only got hit with rain once for only a few mins right before we popped out next to the lake. The weather made the ride and scenery that much more amazing. Glad you guys had a good time! Sent from the dune in front of you
  3. damn, looking good man. can't wait to see it done and carving up the dunes. Sent from the dune in front of you
  4. Congrats Pete! your trip reports and pics are always fun to follow. Having maps and GPS tracks etc. to make it easier or possible for others to share the adventure themselves is awesome. Sent from the dune in front of you
  5. that house looks like a postcard Sent from the dune in front of you
  6. Heading to Duck Creek over 4th of July to get out of this heat, ride some trails and enjoy the scenery! What's everyone else doing? Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
  7. I assume they won't release your ride until one or the other is done. im sure its a legal liability thing for them. if my car burnt down I could say "well ride now didn't do one of the recalls it's there fault" Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
  8. I haven't missed a dune in june in 3 seasons I think. looking at a calendar i wouldn't be able to do it until the weekend of July 23rd. Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
  9. im going to try to opt out of the ECU flash as well. My ECU has been flashed by a tuner in AZ, and I don't feel like sending it back down there again. ill sign a waiver or whatever I need to. Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
  10. appreciate it ill take a look Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
  11. Don't care what brand, just needs to run.
  12. its time to get her something. She won't be 5 until January and I'm back and forth on a quad or dirt bike with training wheels for her to start with. I'm leaning toward a little 50cc bike, I feel like it's more challenging. any thoughts or experiences? Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
  13. damn that was 6 years ago lol Sent from the dune in front of you
  14. A shot from one of the summer rides last year, what are you doing in this pic Pete? lol
  15. It's mine Paul! Sent from the dune in front of you
  16. I'll take it, 702-755-6538 or pm me your info and ill call you, whichever you'd like. Steve Sent from the dune in front of you
  17. Wow those are pretty awesome Pete. Very talented. Makes me want to go buy a camera lol. Thanks for posting them. Sent from the dune in front of you
  18. Everyone nose dives off that lip. It's to short, with stock suspension the rear will compress and buck up, that combined with letting off the gas just before you launch, and the engine breaking in mid air...it's going to lawn dart. I feel horrible for the injured and wish them a speedy recovery..but I'm also a bit angry someone would rent a turbo sxs, put their kid in it and launch it off a dangerous jump. Please don't think you can watch a YouTube video and go do it safely. They are lucky there were such awesome people there to help. Sent from the dune in front of you
  19. Damn my new work schedule. You guys have fun, sounds like a fun group. Sent from the dune in front of you
  20. Like you said, spotty. Presidents weekend my buddy (AT&T) had to drive to the north pole and wait for an important call because for some reason that's the only place be got service. I've had Verizon forever and get service everywhere that other carriers dont. Including the Dumont camping area. Sent from the dune in front of you
  21. Agreed. For the safety of everyone. Sent from the dune in front of you
  22. Figured as much. Thank you for replying. Sent from the dune in front of you
  23. I have a question that's off topic but you may be able to answer. I know it's been talked about on the forum in the past but I don't remember the outcome of the coversations...but this, in my opinion, is getting out of hand and going to get someone hurt. What's the rule with people roping off, placing cones, ect..at the top of the finger dunes. I had to swerve off a finger at one point last season to miss a line of huge cones. I understand people want to keep their kids safe, but there's better ways than making it dangerous for the drivers. Next time I'll tear them down myself and the owner can take it up with me. Again sorry for going off topic but you and ynot are probably the best 2 people to ask about this. Sent from the dune in front of you
  24. Damn that thing looks bullet proof. Awesome build so far. Sent from the dune in front of you
  25. Wish I was more of a picture taker. Love looking at everyone else's though, so post up! Sent from the dune in front of you
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