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Everything posted by PiercedBoy

  1. is this Dumont Dune Riders or Dumont Dater Service.com? HHAHHA
  2. OH SNAP SON!!! Damn, does it hurt when she points out she's smarter than the rest of us?!
  3. You all seem to have alot of time!!!!!!!!
  4. I won't be coming, work sat and house hunting sun! Guy won't budge on the one I wanted SO fuk em.
  5. read the accident thread under "general chat"..
  6. You don't know how to drag.... I call BS! I remember you telling me about a 10second integra you use to have
  7. i work sats still so.... who knows.
  8. Hahahahah no respect for your couch Pete!!! "Cocaine is a hell of a drug" WTF I'm the original Chris!! Just what we need another one.... That dancing fat kid is great I was using it in posts like a year ago. I STILL laugh my a$$ off when I see it
  9. I need a freakin posi SO bad...
  10. Nothing is minor when it comes to the 6.0L!!!!!!! Don't listen to the haters, FORD is a great truck but the 6.0 just sucks big monkey nuts. Have you bought an air filter yet $100 freakin dollars!!!!!!! I personally would go Duramax or tried/true cummings
  11. I freaking love texas!!! Carrying guns and handing out the DEATH penalty RULES!!!!
  12. I'll bring him my wheel chair!!! With paddles
  13. That's a great freakin idea you have there!
  14. Hey when she's joining the mile high club, do a barrel roll!!! That'll be awesome HAHAHA Nice pics, freakin articulation on the Samuri!!!
  15. Hey Pete you're taking my signature way too serious.... I'll stop by for laugh and drink, I'll need it after the funeral!! A friend that Angela,Paul and I know just died......
  16. I agree with Dave!! Those parents are the first to point the finger at someone else and yell SUE
  17. No self statisfaction for you, time for dunemonkey to step up! That sucks but I know EXACTLY how ya feel. Have fun wiping your Ahole... If you need help loading or working on ur stuff, call and let me know.
  18. I'm going to salt lake to see my dad that I haven't seen in 2yrs.... And alot of other family. Dunes will have to wait. Have fun, be safe yada yada yada
  19. Hey did my present arrive yet? It comes in a discrete package for your privacy! HAHAHAHAHA
  20. That thing is sick in all black! Makes me want to black out my 250R.
  21. Who said any of us were smart?! Plus my truck is rated 1000lbs more than pete's. Not like I'm gonna tow it to Oregon or something crazy like that. The ideal plan is RideRedLV is buying a 6.0l 3/4 4x4 to tow it but we'll see bout that. Plus I don't have a 5000lbs Grizzly weighting it down for my 115lb lady to ride!!!!
  22. Not me, I gotta see about a girl!!
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