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About Sandemon

  • Birthday 11/11/1960

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  • Name
  • Sand Toys
    Desert Dynamics 4 seat sandcar
  • Location
    Simi Valley, Ca
  • Gender
  • Occupation
    Trucking Owner-operater
  • Hobbies
    Sand, Boating, Motorcycling.

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  1. Dumont is one of the specifically named OFF HIGHWAY RECREATION AREAS it will now take an act of Congress to shut it down, not just one Judges signature like happened in Glamis. Not to say it can not happen, but it is much harder with this protection.
  2. I just got off the phone with Katrina and the notice for the meeting did not get published in the Federal Register so we can not have an official meeting. Katrina told me that she would be available to answer questions and listen to peoples suggestions, she will try to stay around the signup area or you can ask anyone in a BLM uniform and they can point her out. John
  3. Remember that there is a Dumont Sub-Group meeting after the cleanup. If anyone has concerns that will not be there post them in here and I will bring them up. Please if you are at the cleanup stay for the meeting and ask your questions, you do have input in how your area is managed, but don't expect changes to happen overnight. I will be confirming the meeting status tomorrow and will post if anything changes. Also there are openings on the Dumont Sub-Group. John Ca. OHV Rep.
  4. I have brought it up at every meeting for the last 3 years. Nothing can be changed until Dumont gets a "Business Plan" and Katerina has said that she doesn't have the staff to write one. The RRAC that approved the fee structure no longer has enough members to conduct any business, so they are not an option. I have brought up other ways to get it done but they have not been acceptable to the BLM management so we stay at a stalemate. The biggest issue's that I have heard is a second car (no toys or camping ability) and a day use pass, if you guys have any other ideas let me know and I will bring them up. Do not forget that there is a public meeting after the Cleanup on 3-14-2020 from 11:00 to noon at Dumont Dunes this is a time that anyone can bring up any concerns, likes and dislikes, and requests for information, any specific information please post on here so the BLM staff can bring it to the meeting.
  5. What are you wanting to find out? I have a copy of the 2018 expenditures they are as follows, Maintenance $199,515 Visitor services $287,251 Management expenses $35,885 There are other things that are not included in this report ( Law Enforcement is not included) and each category is broken down even more. All the information you asked for is public information, and could be obtained by contacting the Barstow BLM field office. Dumont gets more dollars than the sale of passes generates due to grants and Federal funds.
  6. Katrina told us November but she didn't tell us which November.
  7. The meeting was attended by the usual suspects and a few new faces, but because this was not an official meeting we could not do anything other than give feedback. The cell tower is supposed to be up and running by November. There will be a meeting right after the Cleanup on March 14th (aprox. 11 to 12) to give more people an opportunity to voice any concerns and suggestions. The Junior Ranger program will be present anytime the visitor center is open, if you have small children or not so small people it is a very informative place to stop in and check out. The BLM is getting more staff mainly behind the scenes which will help with some of the things they have wanted to do but have not had the staff. Don't forget this years Trunk or Treat will be on Oct. 26th by Vendors Row.
  8. There is a public meeting at the Barstow Field Office on Tue. the 17th from 10:00 to noon. The public is welcome to attend, If you have any items you would like brought up, and are unable to attend please post them here and I will bring them up for you.
  9. As you are leaving Baker on the left side of 127 Baker Ice has firewood also.
  10. You can't, The date on the Title is when it was first registered. The SPCNS means it is a special constructed vehicle with a vin. number attached by the CHP, The vehicle could have been built and driven for years before it was registered.
  11. Chasing_FE135.mp4
  12. The pics were taken at the BLM Barstow Field Office. The Road Groomer can be pulled on public highways just like a trailer so we can save on transportation costs as well as not needing a high cost Operator. This was not bought with fee demo dollars and will be able to be used throughout the Barstow Desert District.
  13. Terry and I brought this up many years ago and as of now I don't think there is a difinative rule on this. Even if it were to be a rule I see a potential backlash with people saying that we are putting thier children at risk. You can allways bring up your concerns by contacting the Barstow Field Office or next time you are at Dumont stop by the Visitor Center.
  14. I think that the road will be able to be maintained much more often. The BLM needs to end the year with a surplus so there is sartup money for the next season.
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