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About bam

  • Birthday 05/07/1963

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  • Sand Toys
    2008 Rhino
    2004 KFX 700 v force
    2002 scrambler 400
  • Gender
  • Occupation
    Power Plant Operations & Maintenance Manager

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  1. Anyone know if there will be 2020-2021 season passes available. Called the Barstow BLM left a message have not herd anything back yet.
  2. Jack I just picked my truck up this evening (2005 F350) had the head studs replaced, high pressure oil pump and heads milled. So far it seams to be running better then it ever has. Had 118000 miles on it and blew a head gasket because of the crap stock studs. Mike and Scott were great to work with. One thing to beware of is that they are very busy and it can take some time to get the job done mine was there for 3 weeks. They will not hurry just to get trucks out of the shop take the time to do the repairs right which is a good thing. Also for the work that was done Mike's price was over a thousand cheaper then another shop I got a quote from.
  3. Underground Diesel has done work on my F350 fixed a problem that other shops could not find. Fair price and honest. I was told by other shops that my high pressure oil pump needed to be replaced over $2000.00. Underground diesel just replace the IPR less then $300.00
  4. I just went to get by pass for the Halloween weekend from Johnny Walker the dates on the pass are October 28 - November 3. The Guy at Johnny Walker called the BLM and was told that the dates on the pass are the holiday dates. If you are getting a weekly pass only make sure you look at the dates it is for other wise you will need to get another pass. I guess the BLM is going to have the weekend after Halloween as the holiday.
  5. I just got my sticker in the mail today.It took 9 days from the time I maied the paper work and check to the DMV. Also had my VIN checks done at Ridenow on Boulder highway now charge. Just make sure they get the VIN number right had to do one of the quads twice becuse Ridenow put a 5 for the letter S and i did not check before mailing the paperwork.
  6. My name is Bruce I have been looking on this site for a long time never post much but I think maybe I could help the right person with the back ground we are looking for. If anyone looking has Electrical, Insturmention or DCS controls background. There is a power plant south of Boulder City looking to hire one person. Go to www.SDGE.com. Here is the link http://sdge.com/care...enter-view-jobs fill out the on line application. PM me and let me know you applied I am the Operations and Maintenance Manager I will the ask HR to keep an eye out for the application.
  7. My name is Bruce I have been looking on this site for a long time never post much but I think maybe I could help the right person with the back ground we are looking for. If anyone looking has Electrical, Insturmention or DCS controls background. There is a power plant south of Boulder City looking to hire one person. Go to www.SDGE.com. Here is the link http://sdge.com/career-center-view-jobs fill out the on line application. PM me and let me know you applied I am the Operations and Maintenance Manager I will the ask HR to keep an eye out for the application.
  8. We have went the last 2 years the place is not busy at all.
  9. I use a Garmin etrex on my Rhino got it at Bass Pro shop. They sell the mount kits also.
  10. I saw a flyer on the internet saying that the Las Vegas Jeep club would be doing the hill climbs and sand drags again this year.
  11. Thanks I will give them a call tomorrow.
  12. I am looking for a good repair shop to work on my 2005 F-350 power stroke. Can anyone suggest one.
  13. This is what I sent to Titus just used the example in the post. I respectfully request that Congresswoman Titus replies to me and lets me know if SHE WILL SUPPORT A FAIR, OPEN, AND TRANSPARENT PROCESS OF PUBLIC MEETINGS AND WORKSHOPS FOR GOLD BUTTE THAT ARE SIMILAR TO THE MEETINGS HELD FOR THE LINCOLN COUNTY PUBLIC LANDS BILL OF 2005 WHEREIN EVERYONE MET AND WORKED THROUGH THE SPECIFIC ISSUES TOGETHER. GOLD BUTTE IS TOO CONTROVERSIAL, TOO IMPORTANT, AND TOO BIG OF AN AREA TO NOT HAVE A SERIES OF PUBLIC MEETINGS TO DISCUSS SPECIFIC ISSUES. The Clark County and Lincoln County Public Land Bills set a precedence for future public land legislation; I request a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answer as to whether Congresswoman Titus will support a fair, open, and transparent series of public meetings regarding the 330,000 acres of the Gold Butte area and I respectfully request her ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answer in writing.” I also request that my name and address be added to any meeting notification list.” Here is her reply back she has no clue that I am wanting it to be kept open. I guess I will need to make a phone call maybe she will understand a call more then she can understand a e mail. Dear Mr. Marx, Thank you for contacting me about your support for the protection of Gold Butte. I share your concerns about the need to preserve this historical, cultural, and natural landmark. As you may know, in 2008, my colleague, Congresswoman Shelley Berkley, introduced H.R. 7132, the Gold Butte National Conservation Area and Wilderness Designation Act. The 110th Congress was unable to pass this legislation before they adjourned. I will work with my colleagues in the 111th Congress to ensure that the need for further protection of Gold Butte is addressed once again. In the meantime, please know that I will work to ensure that any legislation introduced is the product of a consensus among Nevadans on this issue and I look forward to ensuring that this remarkable area is protected and preserved for generations to come. Thank you again for taking the time to get involved. Please do not hesitate to contact me again in the future.
  14. What I was trying to say was that as long as you only have the permit you are required to have some who has the endorsement in the vehicle with you. If you are pulled over and no one with you has the endorsement you can be issued a ticket. The question I need to get answered is can you show up for the drive test without someone who has the endorsement? Hopefuly they can answer that for me when I call and scheduled the drive test.
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