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About joblo

  • Birthday 01/01/1975

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  1. I have 3 2006 Polaris 90 predator bikes to sell. They’re in nice shape. I am the second owner. I bought all 3 from the original owner. All of them only have 1 or 2 trips on fresh engine rebuilds. My kids are all to big for them now. Asking $2,200 each I only have this photo on my phone. I’ll pull them out of the shed and get some better ones.
  2. I was doing ok justifying to myself it was ok to miss this year until now. It would have been a lot to do but i think i could have swung the day trip for saturday but I whimped out. Now i am kicking myself.
  3. Planning for this. Its one of my favorite trips of the year. Pete always puts on a great event
  4. Yes sorry to not put up a public reply. This is at Sandhills Resort
  5. So our family planned to go to Idaho June 29- July 6 Unfortunately due to work demands we cannot get there. 4 spots. Sites 52, 106, 107, 108 I know its short notice but I thought I should throw it out there in case anyone can use them Let me know
  6. All the wind Dumont is getting has her looking SOOO SOOOO GOOD. Sucks your car broke but getting out and enjoying a weekend away is still winning!
  7. My brother was out there and said the same thing about the carnage. He said the helicopter must have never shut down. As soon as it left it returned for somebody else.
  8. I'm pretty sure that is going to happen at Buttercup. I think there is a meet and camp similar to the buggy roundup but its at an actual rv park in Yuma or somebody that has some acreage to park rigs. I am pretty sure the info is on the old school buggy instagram page.
  9. Are the shocks bypasses? Some cool stuff out there from the manufacturers now. The work turned out nice. You should not have to worry about that anymore.
  10. At this point anything cooler than 100 degrees is welcome. Looks like a fun trip but 30 degrees now would be like living in antártica 😀
  11. No. But we saw them building houses nearby that were of the modern touch that could’ve been that way. I have some pictures from the other side but it would not let me upload them because of size. Nevermind. It works today. Go figure.
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