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Rough draft of the agenda ;"1/ State OHV grant applications submitted on March 3 including the grant for Dumont Dunes that contains a request for purchase of road groom as proposed by Terry Allen; 2/ Proposed Dumont Dunes Holidays for the 2014-2015 OHV season; and 3/ Discussion of the FY 2014 Dumont Dunes visitation, revenue, staffing, emergency medical services, etc. If attendees are interested I can also provide information concerning the 29 Palms Expansion/Johnson Valley OHV Recreation Area." If anybody wants a ride down let me know. I will be leaving by 07:30 AM from the area of the "M" casino. I always enjoy the company for the ride should anyone want to go. Could be an interesting meeting with info on where we stand on this years budget and holidays being set for next year. Also an update on the 29 Palms expansion is always good for some bitichen:) Terry
I need at least one mind numbing fast dune ride with other sand cars. One that I have no time to consider what is going on anywhere but where I am at and trying to keep all four on the downside. One that you get out of the car with a big grin and a "Holy sh*t"
I was much younger then!
I should be there Thursday afternoon as of now. However if Garret does not have baseball on the weekend but has practice Friday afternoon I could be going out with you Pete
I am in, usual camp spot?
It's getting warm. How many trips do you have left?
ynot replied to dunefreak's topic in Dumont Happenings
ok -
It's getting warm. How many trips do you have left?
ynot replied to dunefreak's topic in Dumont Happenings
I was hoping that you were looking at the 8&9th Pete? I can make the 14-16 but for personal reasons I am not sure i want to go after the BLM meeting on the 11th. Let me know if your flexible on this? Terry -
We always had wrist bands and I have sent Katrina the same suggestion. Wether she does that I can't say. I wouldn't expect anything but gloves, garbage bags and water. I am not sure how she plans on doing the agreement, masking you fill out 2 copies which would be a waste of time and paper. But then it is a government agency! Terry
Terry - The March 15 BLM volunteer clean-up event at Dumont Dunes allows for free access in order for folks to participate in the volunteer event. This event is deemed to be in the best interest of the government. Volunteers will need to have a copy of their signed volunteer agreement with them so BLM staff will be able to do appropriate compliance work. Given the remoteness of Dumont Dunes, it is reasonable to assume that folks will be on-site for more than just the 1/2 day event...soFriday night (3/14) to Sunday (3/16) would be appropriate for "free use", and may be an incentive for folks to actually participate in said event. I have forwarded this email to some of the Barstow staff that may be in the area over this weekend so we are all on the same page.
Got this from BLM today so make sure and get a copy of your volunteer form to get out free card! Terry - The March 15 BLM volunteer clean-up event at Dumont Dunes allows for free access in order for folks to participate in the volunteer event. This event is deemed to be in the best interest of the government. Volunteers will need to have a copy of their signed volunteer agreement with them so BLM staff will be able to do appropriate compliance work. Given the remoteness of Dumont Dunes, it is reasonable to assume that folks will be on-site for more than just the 1/2 day event...soFriday night (3/14) to Sunday (3/16) would be appropriate for "free use", and may be an incentive for folks to actually participate in said event. I have forwarded this email to some of the Barstow staff that may be in the area over this weekend so we are all on the same page.
I sent her an e-mail, I will let you know.
Apparently BLM heard you guys and are coming with the clean up! It will not be like the old events with prizes, food etc. but it will be a clean up none the less. I received this e mail from Katrina Simmons today regarding the clean up; Terry - I would appreciate your help in getting the word out that there will be a clean-up opportunity at Dumont Dunes onSaturday, March 15. Volunteer registration will be at 9:00 AM. There will be a 40 yard dumpster on-site. BLM will be providing trash bags, gloves, etc., and water. Thanks, Kat
California Desert District 22835 Calle San Juan De Los Lagos Moreno Valley, CA 92553 Phone: (951) 697-5200 Fax: (951) 697-5299 District Manager: Teri Raml Assoc. District Manager: Tim Wakefield Contact us by E-mail
Jim, try google for Barstow BLM directory. Pretty easy to find the number and e mail addresses for everyone at Barstow BLM. I have my reasons for not laying the info in your lap. If you want to make a statement I don't want to be in the middle of it as I am still on the subgroup for the time being. Terry
Will you have to kill us all after the weekend?
I can make A March 8-9 trip, I am in
Well after much debate and contact with BLM it looks like there will not be a sponsored by Friends of Dumont Dunes clean up. I suggested to BLM that they offer weekend passes to those who come in and sign the volunteer forms and bring trash back to the dumpster. That was 3 weeks ago and have not heard from them on it. I don't think it's much of a priority for them. After last year's last minute pulling of cooking and supplying food at the last minute and only by a lot of begging I got them to supply that, I just had a feeling they weren't to keen on it. I have done the clean up for the last 10 years and have finally just burnt myself out. So as far as FoDD putting it on there is just not enough active members or board members to put it together. I feel bad but I can only do so much and my meter is pegged. If you have any other questions about the clean up or lack there-of I would suggest a call to Katrina at BLM Barstow and ask her. Thanks to all who have supported and helped over the last 12 years, it's a shame but we just have to pick up after ourselves and others that are slobs and truck it home and dispose of it. Terry
Well good news for a change, took the car to CBM and they jumped right on it. Found that the power steering housing had one of the three prongs that are used to run the bolts through to the block had a crack in it. Replaced that and no more out of line belt noise. Car went into lim mode due to a bad relay .and they replaced that under warranty. Spent more in fuel than I did at CBM for a change, I would like to do a shake down trip to Dumont and make sure bt also would like to put a Glamis trip together. Terry
Yeah me to, decided to take the M/H and just spend the night at a local RV camp and hope they have it fixed by wed.
problem is that all the tuners lock their tunes up so the only way to get the info is to take it back to the tuner. Today I fired it up and let it run up to 180 and the first fan came on but could not get the second one to kick in although they were both working at the dunes. Anyway CBM also thinks it's something minor but thinks it's electrical. When I told him about the 80 amp fuse blowing twice and that I had moved to a 100 amp fuse he told me that could cause a lot of issues. They want to run separate circuits to each draw I guess. Anyway I am in for a ride to rancho Cucamonga tomorrow to see what we can find out. Anybody got a day off and nothing they would rather do then drive to RC and back? Newly, thank you for the offer but it's hard to get everybody together to figure these kind of things out so I will take it back down. They also have an alignment on the belt and the power steering unit not being in line causing the belt to squeal all the time. It's something they should have checked when they installed it.So might as well make them get it right now. Terry
Waiting on a call from Chris at CBM today so I will let you know what he says. What a PIA. I can't believe there wouldn't be a reset component to the computer but am also wondering if the temp sensor/gauge may have gone bad which causes it to go back intro limp?
I am out until I can find out what is causing the car to go into limp mode after about 1/4 mile. Was running fine this morning and coming through Talladega it started cutting out. Looked at my gauges and it showed 240 . It was 210 just seconds before. Anyway re-started it but happened all the way back to camp. Took the + and - cables off the battery and held them all together (per Bert) thought it was the answer.Took it for a short hard run up through the bowl and around a couple more dunes and then stopped to watch the drags. Fired up went back to camp to get everyone together for a run and headed out. Got back to the dragstrip and it kicked into limp again. I was watching the temp gauge and it was at 180 as soon as it went into limp it moved over to 210 in seconds. So I guess it's a call to CBM tomorrow unless anybody has any ideas? Terry
HMMM nasty water right there and BLM will be using it to water the road etc. They might not be happy with you taking 100 gallons of there water. Pete's right load up at home and haul it with you.
Anyone have info on lifting a 2013 F-250?
ynot replied to Adam @ GTP Off Road's topic in Truck, Jeep, & Car talk
Adam, before you buy new call me and let me see what the auto group my wife works for can do for you.They have Dodge here in town and Ford and Chevy in AZ. They will work a great deal for you and the truck can be shipped up here or you can go pick it up. Definitely will save you time and money. Terry -
Mine are automatic hubs and I have no access to manually lock them in. They are covered by a wheel cover. Never could lock them in other than by the switch on the dash. The hubs lock in by vacuum and I have had issues with my A/C vent system for a few years and every time we find a leak it would correct itself upon replacing that piece of hose.I have always figured there was a small leak in the lines going to the hubs and it finally got bad enough to stop them from working. I have tried the bluff and I just didn't care for it. to much traffic from Vendors row and to far to the dunes. I might just go out by #9 and park the truck and hit the dunes and watch the races Sunday.