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Everything posted by ynot

  1. That's the same place my info came from so apparently you didn't read the post?
  2. They cannot stop you from entering the road as it is an access to Sperry wash also and it's a public road. Unless listed in the Federal Registry they cannot keep you from public land use. Also with the California broke azz economy do you really think they are going to pay a CHP officer to baby sit federal lands? Not gonna happen.
  3. PM might be a good way to communicate some of this stuff, just saying
  4. Only if your name is private
  5. NO VENDORS will be allowed during the shutdown, sorry better go see Mike before you go
  6. SEE MY NEW POST! http://www.dumontduneriders.com/invision/index.php?showtopic=18767
  7. In conversation with the senior LEO from Barstow BLM the Dumont Dunes OHV area is NOT closed nor shutdown. HOWEVER the following applies and you need to be VERY aware of this; There will be NO services I.E. Bathrooms closed and locked No EMT (BLM) services but Baker Volunteer ambulance will respond as will CHP. That said PLEASE be extra careful as the assistance you may need may cause you to loose your life! There can be NO organized events. If the BLM rangers do come into your camp it would be best to be in compliance with passes and stickers along with the consumption of adult beverages and operating a motor vehicle(never a good idea anytime). Do not press any "you don't have the authority to be out here type BS cause it's going to get expensive for you real fast. Since the LEO's are few expect them to be extra careful when approaching you or your camp. Treat them with respect and you will have no issues. I don't care what your beliefs are about the BLM this is not the time to voice them. Be nice to the man and appreciate that we are not having to deal with a fence or closed area. And as always please pick up after yourself and any other slobs that may have left debris behind, take more out than you came in with. If you have any questions feel free to PM me and I will answer what I can. Thanks, Terry
  8. I just talked to Joe Heck's office in DC. They are of the ilk that it's pretty much going to happen when it happens. Do you really think they give a sh*t about us much less a bunch of OHV users being inconvenienced ? Vote them all out!!
  9. I am told by Cynthia Barrionton @ 202 208-6913 that the BLM has decided Dumont is closed because they (THE BLM) cannot protect the area or users. This is the biggest bunch of horseshit I have ever heard of. My suggestion would be to fire up the house of representatives and your Senators to get their heads out of their a$$es and get it fixed now. But as of right now best info available is that you could get cited for going to Dumont although Glamis seems to be open working on that answer now. Terry
  10. I got this quote from a VERY involved individual in the OHV legal community. I would expect that the BLM has posted signs and will cite you however no one knows until someone drives out and see's. I am waiting for a return call from the BLM in Washington DC to get a direct answer. I will post more when I receive it.
  11. Where did you find a number for BLM LEO? Since there only 50 on duty LEO's across the country (10 for each state) then if you got ahold of an LEO I would like his # I definitely have questions for him.
  12. Dumont is a designated OHV area so the shutdown will have no impact. You may see an LEO but at best it will be a slight chance. Even so I would want to make sure your passes and stickers are in order. I have a meeting (I think) on the 8th if they get this mess fixed and hopefully we can find out what the future holds.
  13. IN for the second weekend
  14. Sandunesaddict and I and 3 of the LV Jeep Club have our cars in the Super run. We are parked by Emil's which is just east of Basic Road on Water St. Free admission and lot's of nice cars down there. Stop by and say HI. It's amazing to me when people stop by and ask if we really are able to drive these cars in the desert or in the sand dunes. Lot's of strange looks at paddle tires too!
  15. Las Vegas pass distributors' will have their passes today per personal delivery by BLM, this off the top of my head is Carter's powersports and Johnny Walker's RV on Boulder & Flamingo.
  16. My understanding on Onan carbs is they can be rebuilt and re-used. The gas builds up in them and clogs/gums up the insides. I think it takes a little working knowledge of how the carb works and goes together but I know the Local RV dealer keeps a reserve of them because they are always being a problem. Maybe we should have a DDR once a month reminder to start your generators?
  17. That's true Pat but hey it's his money and his kids and grandkids. Just looking to see if anybody has a program through their job or?
  18. My brother is taking his daughter, hubby and kids to D- Land and I told him I would see if anyone had any contacts for discounts to both Disney properties in CA. and /or Universal Studios. If you do I would appreciate any info you can give me. Thanks, Terry
  19. Green sticker goes to OHV use in Ca. So some of it in the form of grants does get used by BLM to operate Dumont. There are a lot of requests for grants and the money goes to big users first thus Glamis get's considerably more than Dumont but the BLM does get some of it usually. The problem is trying to set a budget for the year and not knowing if your going to get a Green Sticker grant or not. It is typical government bureaucracy at it's finest.
  20. That's the T-N-T railroad bed. It's been a long standing 4x4 route across the desert and there are some bills that are trying to change the status of it's use. It's what we call the border to the closed area where the old Tonopah and Tidewater Railroad used to run. It appears that there may be a date conflict with Katrina (BLM field Manager) and we may be changing it to 10-1 or 10-8. I will let everybody know as soon as the new date is set. Terry
  21. Anyone wanting to go let me know I enjoy the company and you may learn a thing or two. This should be a interesting meeting. Agenda as follows; Agenda for September 24, 2013 10:00 am. Call To Order Pledge Introductions Approval of the Agenda Approval of the Minutes DISCUSSION ITEMS Status of Subgroup membership applications General Dune usage report Up date on DAC/ RAC and fee increase? Funding of ELO on off weekends Heritage Trail-T&T Railroad Road Members Items From the Floor Adjournment
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