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Everything posted by ynot

  1. Jeez Joe, thanks for "outing" me in a public forum. I understand where you are all coming from, however with that being said I am not a resident of that state I just spend my time using their desert to enjoy my hobby. If I need to wear a helmet to keep the LEO's away from me than although I disagree with the way the law was put together there is nothing I as an out of stater can do about it. I can write all the Legal ese letters but as a non resident who does not vote in the state elections I can't see where it would be of any advantage. I however would be much more upset if I lived in a state that passed a law without contacting nor accepting input from those people who it does effect. That is what pisses me off about this law. It also pisses me off that the manufacturers went to the state capital spent a lot of money on lawyers, lobbyist's etc. and pushed this BS through instead of spending that money on actually building a cage that would withstand an accident and built in 5 point harnesses instead of the mickey mouse seat belts that allow an occupant to be put in danger in almost any kind of an incident. Joe you knew this and went and spent the money on a cage, harnesses etc, some people blindly put there faith in the factories and are surprised when the cage collapses. I am sorry if I don't want to argue the intricacies of the law but i can guarantee that even if you had a Subaru in a SXS and did not have a helmet you would still have to go to court to fight the ticket. Been there fought that to many times in my life. Sometimes being a boulder in the middle of a stream is fruitless. thanks again Joe for the "outing" not that any LEO's read this or anything.
  2. So the real question is , What exactly are we arguing for? Is it the fact that we just don't like being told that a helmet is required in a SXS or is it the law itself and the fact that the state of California requested no input from the users and OHV advocates? I didn't hear all this when a helmet was required on a 4 wheeler or a Motorcycle so I am just curious. Me personally I don't like being told what I can and can not do, but I like to drive my RZR so I will go along with it and hope that I never have a wreck to see if the law is justified.
  3. ynot

    Direct tv

    Yeah but I gave you the contact and that should be part of the deal. Nick gave you squat!!
  4. ynot

    Direct tv

    Mike, PM tatooedwhtboyHe works for direct TV. Did a great job of installing at my house. If you use my account # we both get $10.00 off per month for 10 months. If you want to do that just pm me for the account number and we both benefit:)
  5. Joe, unfortunately I think this has been beaten to death. You would have a tough time getting out of a citation with your argument that the engine size was increased after purchase. I think you should get used to the helmet gig, sorry
  6. You should also remember that the "Companies" were the ones that wanted this law, wrote most of it, lobbied for it and got the wheels moving to get it passed. There will never be a SXS that will have a larger than 1000 CC engine unless they change the class to a sand car. There have been to many lawsuits against Yamaha, Polaris and Kawasaki to change that. If you aren't obeying the law and you get hurt it makes it harder to sue the "Companies" for damages. In all the cases against Yamaha for injuries and deaths it is my understanding that none of them ever were won. Usually the person suing had made modifications, wasn't wearing a seat belt nor a recommended helmet. It may have cost millions to protect Yamaha but they never had to pay an owner of a Rhino for doing something stupid and making changes to a stock vehicle or driving in a manner the vehicle was not designed for. The "Companies" finally had enough of it and went to the capital of OHV use and without any consulting of the OHV users got this law passed to protect themselves, no body else just them. I cannot see where the state can tell me that driving a 1000 cc machine or a 450HP car is different. The actual truth is that if the manufacturers would spend a little more in cage, frame and seat belt design most of the claims would have never happened.
  7. They only can write you tickets that are violations of federal law. Which are very similar to state motor vehicle laws I.E. DUI/ open container/no flag, no helmet etc' However Ca. LEO has to write for Ca. violations. If a Federal LEO writes you for say open container the citations go to federal court and the fine goes into the US Goverment general fund. If a Sheriff's deputy writes a cite for open container then it goes to San Bernadino county general fund and helps keep the Leo's from San Bernadino at the dunes. That's why they are trying to get this agreement signed so BLM can write for local violations. That way all the money stays local. I am not trying to be a smart a$$ but it's just that most BLM leo's don't know all the new CA. OHV laws, they should but I doubt it as they don't because up until now they couldn't write them. This had some positives because federal violations were usually a little less fines and no points and usually no notification to insurance companies. That's all I am trying to point out. BLM will leave the publishing of Ca. Vehicle codes to Ca. as the same goes for NV, OR, ID and all the other 50 states.
  8. Why would you expect BLM, a federal Bureau to have information about California's laws? I would think one would look up the law on the California DMV or other site which would pertain to OHV use. Just my 2 cents worth but it's a separate issue as far as the federal laws would pertain. I don't think Federal LEO's can cite for California vehicle infractions unless they have a cooperative agreement between the county Sheriff's office and the Local office of jurisdiction of the BLM . At our last sub-group meeting the two entities were working on getting that agreement signed and in place. Otherwise you would have to be cited for a Ca. violation by a San Bernadino Sheriff's Deputy if I understand the way it has worked in the past. Federal officers can only cite for federal violations and although many of them are the same the fines and court appearances differ and where the fine's go . As of now they are trying to get it into the San Bernadino County fund to keep the Leo's budget high enough for them to come out when needed. Their budget in Barstow was cut in half so they are doing everything they can to keep that office running and manned.
  9. Are they camped close to you? I wouldn't want you to stumble and fall after "partying " with them in the wee hours of the AM
  10. Trick or treat on both Saturdays, split the crowd up and I might make a Halloween trip if half of the zoo goes the weekend before!
  11. Aaron, what kind of costs did you incur for the suspension and axles/A-arms etc.?
  12. May even be to hot for the pool but I think I will be toughing it out:)
  13. Sorry Bob about not getting back to you. I have been having computer issues. Anyway the head of BLM's district LEO and the Division Commander for Barstow SB S/O was also there to discuss the way Law Enforcement is handled at Dumont. Apparently they have a new BLM LEO who lives in Pahrump and one of his exclusive duties will be to patrol the Dumont area to check for passes on off weekends and to have a prescience there. BLM is trying to get a grant from the DAC to provide funds for this. Both San Bernardino and BLM's Law Enforcement programs have been cut in half by the so - called sequester and they are scrambling to figure out how to afford all the upkeep on equipment and provide adequate coverage for the holiday weekends. It appears that visitor usage has dropped by about 25% from last year which was a fairly substantial drop from the year before that. This is a good and a bad thing. Good for those of us that prefer less people and more dunes to run without overcrowding, the bad is the lack of road maintaince, on hand EMT's and LEO's. If you get hurt it may be a life and death situation and there may be no one to help until the closest ranger/EMT shows up. You know that can be a 45 minute to 90 minute wait. I would suggest that someone in each group take a couple of basic first aid courses just in case? As far as the fee changes it looks like we are waiting for Glamis to get it's act together in order to submit our request for the 2 pass agenda. This looks like it will go on for another year. I am very unhappy about this but it appears tat Glamis is the bully on the block as far as BLM and the DAC. Other than that not to much going on, the new or shall I say the people that applied to sit on the sub-group will be notified by the end of July whether they were accepted or not. If you have any other questions please let me know. Terry
  14. I have a set of Alpinestars tech 8's that are in great shape that I would be willing to sell if anybody is interested. Interior booties are fairly new but boots have not been worn in about 4 years. Let me know if your interested and I will figure out a price for them. Terry
  15. Thanks but have the job being handled, thanks though.
  16. When I rode quads i wore helmet, chest protector (most of the time) Riding pants, kidney support and compression shorts, under my riding pants i wore knee and leg protectors and although they were hot I soon felt naked when i didn't have them on. Boots and gloves pretty much rounded out the deal. I think if I was riding now I would probably incorporate a neck brace along with the chest protector. Better to be safe than sorry and i can tell you the kidney belt and knee protectors saved my azz several times:)
  17. Congratulations Jodi! Keeping your eye on the ball and not letting go of what you want is one of the great joys in life when you accomplish it. And you have the great pictures to prove it!!
  18. Yeah I have decided that Adam and cameras are bad Ju-Ju! Glad you guys are ok, summer dunes at Dumont can bite you in a hurry!!
  19. I have no problem performing manual labor old man. However I have never been able to cut a straight line in wood to save my life. I have 2 very talented brothers who could do it but one is in Idaho recovering from colon cancer surgery and the other works graveyard shifts and us trying to get it done in a timely manner would take more time than getting it done and the house producing income. Funny I was trying to see if anybody needed work but apparently it turned into an attack on my personal life. So for those that don't know what I do basically F@@@ off
  20. Thought about it Jim but trying to get all 3 brothers together is like herding cats. We have some money we made from the yard sale specificlly for this and want to get it done and the house rented.
  21. What's your price for a LOF and change over of the fuel filter for a 2003 F250 6.0?
  22. We are replacing the flooring in my mother's house so we can rent it. We had decided to do laminate throughout but are having second thoughts due to price and concerns about laminate in baths and kitchen. Total square foot of job is 1173. We are getting the house painted now so would be looking for floor install within about the next 2 weeks. Anybody do this kind of work or know someone who will do a good job at a good price? Terry
  23. Would you mind keeping your posts in English? LOL!
  24. Never ASSume anything is clear until you see it for yourself
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