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Bruce, I swore I was going to stay out of this but your comments are so far out of line that I can not refrain from telling you that your just plain WRONG. Law Enforcement is a choice when it comes to choosing a career. However the issues that come with it that they don't tell you are large amounts of stress, underpay, going to court in the middle of your sleep time, waiting for the next idiot you come in contact with to either want to fight or take a shot at you. You work in a chemical plant right, they give you a plastic suit and hood and let you control chemicals that can kill you but you have CONTROL, LEO's have NO CONTROL on who and when that someone wants to kill them. Yes they are trained but they are dealing with low life scum with no morals nor compunction about shooting a police officer just to traffic their dope, or other illegal activities. If you get injured at work you can sue for inadequate training or poor equipment. Cops can't sue the POS that hurts them because well their pieces of sh*t and have nothing, you have a giant corporation to go after. Having walked a mile in their shoes I can only tell you that you are so completely out of line on this it is ludicrous to even continue. In fact I just can't express myself any more on this and for that reason i am out. Terry PS Tim, let it go man he is wrong and I bet 99.9% on this site agree with the fact he is wrong and support the LEO's and there effort to protect us. My thanks to you and your family for what you do. Terry
Not that speeding is not a priority to the LEO's it's a matter of liability. On a busy weekend if they chase someone and they run then are involved in any kind of accident or the BLM causes or is involved in an accident then the BLM becomes liable. So since most of the azzhats that speed through camp AKA PITRACERS know they can outrun most of the vehicles BLM has at their disposal it becomes a matter of trying to catch them as they go into camp. Of course there is the whole misdemeanor ID issue but when they start threatening to tow the vehicle than usually the violator will come forward. I am not saying this to encourage speeders through camp areas but am trying to explain why some things just are done a certain way. On an off weekend there is not usually much LEO presence out there and that may be the reason you didn't see anyone getting stopped. However they could have been sitting in a position to see them do it and make there way over to their camp for a little investigation and a piece of pink paper. Hope that answers your question. Terry
Good answer Tim, there's always a person(s) who feels that they know more than anyone else. I appreciate your job, how hard you work and your dedication. I also know that you do not control those decisions made at the top that others feel you are responsible for. To them I say fk Off!!
Well Bruce, I would think first we have to find out why or if BLM Law Enforcement is Profiling. The only way to do that is to have a conversation with BLM management. I will have some time at the clean up and hope to do just that. I agree they may have been singled out and as to the trash at comp left from the previous nights activities all I can say is that we have and will continue to educate the users that their actions again threaten all of us. But we have found that the ones that care don't trash the place and the ones that don't give a sh*t do. Trying to change habits is a long tedious problem. BLM cannot enforce littering until the litter is left on the ground and the perpetrator's leave it. This is hard to do on a holiday weekend with a large crowd and not enough LEO's to be safe. Again it comes down to education and peer pressure. I have tried telling people at the hill to please pick up after themselves and gotten the you have 2 heads stare back in return. So we go out in the AM along with a few others that care and pick up after them. Again all we can do is try but it does get frustrating as your holding a clean up and the idiots are sitting at the hill leaving their cans on the ground as you pick up others. Bruce, I agree with you as to working together, it's what it's going to take to succeed. Terry
Ok, maybe I misstated my point. I don't know the actual reason they were called Banshee boys but i had an indication that it was from the Planet Sand races that caused all the issues. I don't know and it was not expressed at the meeting why they were looked so closely at but I am guessing that something triggered the LEO's actions. I don't think they would pick on just a certain kind of OHV. They never have to my knowledge and having been a Banshee rider for 12 years I never ad an issue with them. I agree that the new rules on permits and insurance has decreased the amount of events at Dumont, that's not the Dumont users fault, it is the off road racers that did not prepare properly for the race that killed several people in California. Unfortunately we are all paying the price for that tragic mistake. As usual the screw ups of the few affect the masses. The vendors are going away due to two reasons. First it's a continuing decline in the economy, Diesel at $4.10 keeps people at home period. It's one of the reasons I am not going out this weekend where a couple of years ago I would have said to hell with the other issues I have going on and just loaded up and gone. Now with it costing $225.00 in diesel fuel it effects my decisions to go. I would imagine I am no different than others. 2nd. Less people= less cash to spend at the vendors. I disagree with the BLM fee set up on vendors as they are charged per day even if they do not sell anything plus a % of their sales. I think that was ok a few years ago but needs to be updated to fit this economy. Maybe just a % of total sales and no daily fee. Also I don't see any vendors on here(DDR) complaining or even giving input as to why they are not coming out. They are not contacting me even though my name and cell # is all over the internet for friends of Dumont Dunes. I get calls all the time from users about issues they need info on. Never had a call from a vendor? I also think their variety such as t-shirts needs to be updated. Most users come out to Dumont and once you have seen the vendors wares you have pretty much seen them all. They need to change things up once in a while, new t-shirt designs etc. To get back to the hill shooters I stand by my statement that this was a unorganized organized event. maybe set up on another web site that BLM watches and they recognized as previous problems. I don't know for sure but for some reason the BLM acted when we have all seen a lack of action at other "Gatherings" I don't know if we will ever know but I will see what I can find out as time goes on. Hopefully at the clean up we can spend a little one on one time with BLM and their LEO chief ranger. I agree with Rocket that their are some things that need to be addressed and maybe we can get together and arrange it. Lastly I know that usage of Dumont was down 35% from the year before, it is obviously down again this year, is it the LEO interaction or the economy? I am betting on the cash flow I mean how many trips a month did you lose from the NO MIDDLE CLASS tax cut? Me I lost about 3. It adds up in a hurry when you combine the taxes out of your paycheck and the cost of fuel. Think about it. Terry
The term came from an organized race a few yrs. ago when the "Banshee Boys" had an event and left piles of trash and pallets with nails all over the place by Banshee hill. It has stuck to the group ever since. BLM is not stupid they know it was not an "official" event but it was planned and they made arrangements with each other to meet there at that date and time. They didn't do it officially so they could avoid the permit process and insurance requirements. As far as a Banshee running over a car what has that got to do with anything I said?
Done, best of luck. If you would have told me 20 years ago this country would be in the financial mess it's in I would have had to see what you were smoking. Who would have believed it that one idiot can cause so much pain and suffering to those who are not moochers. The moochers on the other hand never had it so good.
Unfortunatly I am suddenly out. Be the clean up before I get back out there.
Ok, I have a couple of minutes and will cover the meeting last Tuesday; Sandawg, Rocket and Booster along with Turbo Bruce were kind enough to attend the meeting along with most of the sub group members. The District manager was supposed to attend but got called away for a Congressional tour so Steve from the District was there in her stead. We covered the items that seemed to be on the user's minds. #1 why haven't we been able to change the fee system to the $30.00 per week pass and the $120.00 all access with the extra Non OHV vehicle detachable card. Well there was a lot of excuses but the main reason was that the DAC(Desert Advisory Committee) didn't feel that we had covered all the needed documentation and user input to be put on the RRAC agenda( RRAC is the determining committee on fee changes). The actual reason is that the ISDRA (Glamis) was also looking for a fee change, an increase and the DAC wanted to get that done before considering our request. I know it makes no sense but then again we are dealing with a Federal bureau. We are now pushing the DAC very hard to get ours done since the Glamis one is a hairball and is going to take awhile. At our next meeting in June it will be right after the DAC meeting and we should have some better info on the standing of our request. #2 The LEO situation; I forgot to mention that we were all able to meet the new field manager Katrina who is definetly more than willing to listen to our concerns about fee purchases not being enforced and the heavy attitude that has been felt by the users. She is going to have a meeting with the head LEO Chief in charge with Dumont and see if this can be looked into. Rocket had some ideas I know he wanted to discuss but unfortunatly he was not allowed enough time to do so and in all truth his ideas would be better suited to a sit down with the LEO enities that patrol out there then to discuss them in front of the whole sub-group. Katrina is definitly a fair person but is also a rules and procedures oriented manager. Nothing wrong with that it just means we need to adjust the communications we use with BLM. #3 Talked about the 11th annual clean up and they are behind us 100% and will be there to provide lunch and hopefully you will all be able to meet Katrina if you come to the clean up. This was a general introduction to the new members of the Barstow BLM office and the things that we as users are concerned with. I thought it went well but would have liked to spend some more time on LEO stuff but again feel that maybe a meeting with the Chief and the Officer in charge of San Bernadino S/O's. We will have to work on that. Lastly we talked about the road and it's "off weekend condition" we asked that it be graded more often and the crushed blacktop be graded back onto the road from the sides where it's been pushed off over the years. Problem along with others is that the Barstow office has no equiptment operator and they are not sure if and /or when they might get one. The staff at the office has several holes in it that have not been filled from transfers and retirements, this is an issue that definetly effects us as users. The person who took over the passes and the accounting for same is probably not real happy about taking on that duty and it was obivious that he would like to have someone else handle it, but as I said they are trying to fill holes in staffing and it is definetly an issue. That is a short summation of the high points and I want to than Sandawg for the company on the ride down and back, it makes the trip go much faster with company, espically if your having to lift your feet all the time to miss the waves of BS he comes up with! Terry
I will put up a report later today. Busy doing remodel stuff around the house today.
Bob, i thought about calling you but the wife had other plans for my day. I spent the day on the wrong end of a paint roller and paint brush. I will try to call you tomorrow and find a few minutes to run down the meeting on DDR. Terry
No need to hear any more excuses Adam, don't want you to waste any more than you have to.
We will be there!
Yep, the Banshee boys have a bad reputation and then came in and put on a "unauthorized" gathering. BLM set out to make sure they towed the line and were in force over there.
Ok, folks anybody other than Sandawg wanna ride down to the meeting? Speak now or drive by yourself!!
Adam, that's fine we could meet at the "M" on St. Rose and LVBS. We can work out times and exact place once we see if anyone else wants to go. Glad your going, this will be a good meeting to attend as the "big wigs" will be there.
My plans have changed and I am able to attend the meeting on Tuesday. Anyone wanting to ride down with me are more than welcome. Leaving LV by 07:30 AM. Let me know if interested. Terry
Interested in a 2 seat sand car + cash?
If you want some eye opening reading on this guys real manifesto that is 22 pages long not the edited by liberal news down to 11. He basically tells LAPD to not try to stop him as he will kill anyone who does. Pretty scary that this guy got through psych tests for the Navy and LAPD! http://laist.com/2013/02/07/christopher_dorners_manifesto_in_fu.php
Meeting has been re-scheduled to Tuesday Feb. 19th at 10:00 AM at the BLM office in Barstow. I will not be able to attend due to a new job that has me pretty tied up with training through the beginning of March. I have forwarded some of the e- mails I have received both in support and about issues with LEO's to Katrina who is the new Field Office Manager. She is very open and willing to work with the users and user groups. This is a good thing! If you can go it would probably be a good meeting to go to as other high level managers will also be there. I am sick about not being able to make it but I have been waiting a long time for this job and I have to have a different mindset for a little while. Thanks, Terry
Aren't we all? Happy Birthday JJ!!
As of Today the meeting set for Tuesday 2-12-13 has been postponed due to conflicting schedules of the field and district BLM managers. I am not happy about it nor are several of the board members. I will let you know when it is rescheduled. Sorry, Terry
Doesn't he live in Big Bear?
For Sale 2004 Alfa "Gold" Motor home. 400HP Cummins, 3600 Allison World transmission, 40' with Hydro Hot system that can heat all the water you can hold, heat the coach, and heat the ceramic tile portions of the floor with either diesel or electric power. Washer/Dryer combo. 3rd A/C unit added to front living area. All leather furniture inc. queen size couch/bed, love seat that breaks down for additional sleeping area and 4 separate fabric chairs at dinette table. Tires are less than 12 months old with less than 4000 miles on them. Everything in this coach works and is in top notch condition. 29800 miles. 4 TV's, Outside refer/freezer, electric sliding basement tray. Diesel Gen set with 623 hours. Electric automatic main awning, slide toppers and driver's side window awnings. Coach has 2 slide outs creating a large living space. Auto tracking sat. dome, AM/FM/Sirius/Surround sound,computer with printer garbage disposal, automatic front and side blinds along with 4 point leveling system for easy set-up. Coach has large grey and black tanks, carries 102 gallons of fresh water and 150 gallons of diesel. This coach has been kept under an awning and waxed twice per year. If your looking to move to Diesel power this coach is the one! $112,500 Pictures...
Yes it is on Tuesday the 12th