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Everything posted by ynot

  1. Looks like a nice set up. I only run one battery so if it gives up the ghosst then a jump or a tug is in order for me.
  2. Sorry bud the punishment starts tomorrow and there will be plenty of tracks for you to follow but not much fresh sand for you to mark up. You see the early bird gets the best lines!
  3. That's what makes the "Off Weekends" so nice!!
  4. Old joke; "Other than the gunshot Mr. Lincoln how did you like the play" Did you get to run any lines in the cars?
  5. More than likely I would say that he hit the brakes to avoid the G-out at the bottom and stalled it. It happens, we're you following to close, well you took the hit so I would say that is your call, right? Hope you feel better and the bruises don't last to long.! So how did you like Dumont other than that mishap Mr. President?
  6. Same for me I will be in my usual spot #9
  7. OK with me, I should be home just give me a call before you head over.
  8. I will be heading out on Thursday the 6th in the morning. Not to spoil anybodies weekend this weekend but I hope it blows like hell so we have smooth dunes to tear up:) Terry
  9. right after the post went up. I have a total of 3 left, so I have one free and clear and I am sure Bert would be ok wiht letting you have one. So?
  10. I have 2 tubes saved for Bert but he never picked them up. If it's ok with him you can have them.
  11. Most of the cycle shops have Ca. non res. stickers but if your going to ride in Nevada you might as well get the Nevada sticker. There's a post on this site about it by Rap_Rider. It explains how to get the sticker and all the paperwork. By doing that yu will have no issues with Ca. LEO's or Nv. Leo's. I would invite you to go on a ride with us anytime we are out but just so you know we have no 2 wheelers that ride out of our camp. Not saying that you can't join us though.
  12. I would expect NYE to be fairly quiet out there this year. Due to low turn out at thanksgiving and NYE being on a Tuesday most people may not be able to go for the weekend and stay out for NYE.
  13. I would agree with that. proceeding on serves no purpose other than to drudge up emotions that should be allowed to heal. Terry
  14. Stacey, I cannot even guess what your going through much less tell you what to do. I can only suggest that you let some time go by and then let your heart tell you what to do. I would imagine that he would want you to come back out. If he loved the dunes enough to bring other people in to the sport he would want you to continue to do what you love, for your sake and in his memory. I would not want anyone to quit going out if the situation was the same for me. I would want you to come out enjoy the sport I had a hand in getting you to also fall in love with and drink a beer with me in my memory. I can only tell you that the loss never goes away it just eases a little bit over time. There's the good days and the bad but as time goes on the water under the bridge does soothe you somewhat. You have to follow your heart and look at it from the angle of what would he want me to do or what would he do if the tables were turned. I am truly sorry for the pain your going through it's never easy and it's always a painful loss in your life. But this to will pass and you will continue to live, enjoy and be the person you are. Unfortunately you just have an extra burden to carry. Time seems to lighten the load just a wee bit as it marches on. Terry
  15. It is always sad when a duner loses his life doing what he loves to do. It is even worse when someone in the DDR circle knows that person, It is a constant reminder that the sport we love and are involved in is dangerous. Unfortunately it is made more dangerous due to stupid moves done with more HP than brains and no regard for others. It's all about the " hey look at me" syndrome that has consumed the nation. My heart goes out to the family and friends of this gentleman and hope that they find peace in time and remember the good times. R.I.P. Terry
  16. That's a long drive through the ridges and valleys to get over there. Fair chance of getting stuck . I would say near the end(s) of the fingers. However there is sand where we camp but just not piles of it like nearer the dunes.
  17. Probably be 3-4 different rigs from M/H's to truck camper and trailer. None of us have kids but we don't care if you have them. We are not big partyier's as we are usually face down in the pillow by 10-11. Very relaxed camp with good people.
  18. Your welcome to join our camp if you like, since your going to be near us anyway. Terry
  19. Let's us not scare these guys off Adam! We only run as fast as the slowest car/driver can run. We will never put anybody in a position that they would be/feel uncomfortable in. We are really safe, just ask Adam LOL!!!
  20. Yeah only difference is I keep the beard a little shorter these days. Pete, get your hitch fixed and c'mon out, dude we need a good old balls to the walls car ride!!!!
  21. 8:00 AM? your kidding right? No problem with the plan or idea but i don't think you'll get a large response at 08:00. Just saying, maybe after the morning run and then come back over and do an easy ride thru the areas to clean them p so you don't have to worry about the lack of shadows or definition on the dunes. But good Idea!
  22. I like to camp by #9, been in that spot for a very long time. Little quieter and less dust but it does have some rocks out there. However I rode the same set of comp cut tires on my banshee for 8 years and never had a flat or bent a rim, now my grandson(s) that's a different story but until they came back to camp with a bent rim they just didn't understand that the objective is to drive slow on the flats and miss the big rocks. Since i have owned the sand car i have never had an issue either. Anyway I am pretty easy to find if you look at where #9 is and a bit to the northwest you will see my white Alfa class A motorhome and a white 30' trailer. I have an org/blk rzr's and my car looks like this; come by and we will go for a few rides. Terry
  23. I guess that's what I was trying to say Pete, I just got a little involved in the explanation. It comes down to "Pack more out than you pack in every trip"!!!!
  24. How would you have them enforce it Bruce? Drive through your camp and cite you for a can that fell out of a garbage can or a piece of paper that is lying under a rock. The problem is that the trash is not evident on the flats till the group leaves, then it's ususlly to late. Comp Hill trash is another issue alltogether. Their are not enough LEO's to walk through or stop at a camp and tell them to pick up their trash because until they leave it is not garbage and again it's to late. Also I can just imigine the problems with the cops coming through and hasselling people right and left to pick up after themselves, there aren't enough of them to defend themselves if it was to get ugly in a crowd that large. If you have never experienced a riot or near riot consider yourself to be very lucky. It is terrifying, you have no control and if they are after you in uniform it could get ugly real fast. i can just imigine the press on the use deadly force if they were being overwhelmed. This is an education issue, there is no other way to get it taken care of without making it a bigger issue then it already is and or could become. I appreciate your support and assistance in picking up out there. Most of us do so it is unfortunate that this discussion really only is about a small minority. Terry
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