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Everything posted by ynot

  1. ynot

    New addition

    Ash, you never cease to amaze me on what toy's you buy! Pretty bike. I have some of the H/D travel bag inserts that look like they will fit your new bagger. I also have a nice Joe Rocket leather 2X leather jacket that might look good on you. I have a cpl helmets that Bobbie might like. I got to get this crap outta my closets! Nice machine!! Congrats!!
  2. They build a nice car, they admit that alot of their designs are taken from Alumicraft cars. I rode with them in Idaho last year, nice cars seem to handle well and the Honda's put plenty of power to the ground. One thing I learned was that you may not want to dune with the group cause if you have a break down they just leave you and don't come back looking for you, but hey other than that they have nice cars!
  3. Tailgatin it at Supercross and then cleaning the inside of the motorhome on Sunday to get it ready for vacation to Idaho!! Coming soon more sand!! :dance: New Turbos, yeah I am getting excited car should be like new and I can' t wait!!
  4. Duh? Maybe he has been told that he is Superman! Of course after checking out his wife you gotta wonder?
  5. ynot

    Dyno ?

    I know a guy that has a portable dyno that does quads. If you want his name and number and I will get it to you.
  6. It's expensive but I got mine at Johnny walkers RV in Lass vegas. It comes with 1 side sticky tape and was a pretty easy install. I also did a search on Rubber seals and found lot's of places to buy it. I think when I was looking for it I bought it locally due to not knowing from a picture exactly what I needed. They also want you to buy in bulk. Call Dusty at johnny walkers 702 436-2495
  7. It's amazing how fast things can happen, My family will also have her in our thoughts.
  8. The dumping station in tecopa is actually in violation for it's sceptic tank leeching field. It used to be a country park and the county has since sub leased it to a private company. No one including the county or BLM(where the leeching is occuring) wants to do anything about it. I envision that not being a place that anybody will be able to dump out at fairly soon. I was thinking we could talk to some of the RV parks in Pahrump and see what their feeling about new customers might be. I don't see them trying to close Dumont. These people have no idea of what we as "Duners" are like. They have had a couple of run in's with not so nice people who happen to be going to or coming from Dumont ( I explained "Flatbillers" to them" They DO NOT want to cause a problem they just want to see if we can lighten their load and have some influence with their County supervisors and the BLM of which I told them that I would reach out to see what we can do for them.
  9. After a meeting today in tecopa discussing issues that their community has with traffic, trash, black tank dumping etc. we were wondering why most people choose the old spanish highway instead of the route through Pahrump or the I15 from Vegas. Not looking to pick a fight or defend their statements i am on a fact finding mission that's all! Their community is concerned about some issues and we as dune users need to be concerned about their issues. This is how it works we can fight with them in which they put pressure on Inyo county, BLM and other enities to make things difficult or we can meet them up front and try to see if we can head off some issues. I would like to hear your thoughts. I have driven the old tecopa route for ever but lately have chosen to change to the pahrump route as it's about 15 minutes longer but the roads are wider,smoother and a lot less stress with a big rig, the fact that their is a grocery store and eating establishments in Pahrump also help when you discover that you forgot dinner or something else. So who better to get input from than DDr folks!
  10. Do you bring some home and give Pete a rubdown?
  11. There's been some conversation about doing a poker run in November around Veterns day as a fund raiser to FoDD. We will be talking about it at the next board meeting and Mike I look forward to your input about the event your attending. Ideas, ways to make it better etc? A few years ago I put one on at the old riding area behind Black mountain for some friends and then a bar bq after. We had a blast and with a little preperation it wasn't to bad in the amount of work that had to be done. We thought we could do a little Dune area presentation at each of the stops at Dumont and see if we could bring a little dune "etiquette" to the event and also use it to keep the out of bounds excursions down in the future. Let me know your trhoughts on this? Hope I didn't hijack the thread.
  12. I watch the show and have for several seasons. I can't imagine working that job, the guy who fell in last night was cold as a mackeral in nothing flat. Thanks but I will pass. As for women who want to marry the captains they are just looking for the money, have you ever smelled fish bait, mixed with cigarettes and nasty no sleep sweat? That would turn even the most red neck women off in my opinion. :mc_smiley:
  13. I told you guys that this guy was a "weird Duck" but you didn't believe me and look what happened. He's pushing turtle humping as a new American sport. :mc_smiley:
  14. Actually that's not quite right Pete. The restrooms were built before the fee money came in to being. they were funded by allocations from the Federal Goverment. The hosts and the maintaining of the restrooms are in fact paid thru our fee demo money. The volunteers get a small amount of $ to stay out there and are provided all the neccasary cleaning and TP supplies by BLM purchased with fee demo dollars. The road maintaince for the last 2 and a half years has been paid for by the fee demo money also. The BLM was spending about $10K a year just in gravel to put on the entrance road. Part of our reason to go with the recycled asphalt is to not have that expense. Hopefully that works and we will recoup our expenses of the road over a short time period.
  15. Kinda looks to me as if your saying the same thing? On one hand your giving him the what for as things have changed but your bitchen in other posts that nothing has changed except for bathrooms(which by the way were installed before fee demo money came around) Then you say you don't care what they do as your not going to have any say in the matter. trust me the money is the issue! You have a say, you may not always feel that you have made a difference but trust me you do. I have felt that way many times just in the last year and then all of a sudden they get it and it clicks. You never know what you can accomplish unless you try.
  16. Because this is probably a misdeameanor try to get a picture of the plate and the vehicle operator. then there is no need to testify, it's all over but the paying. They might however prosecute it as dumping hazordus waste and then it get's serious.
  17. As soon as I get my turbo's back i will be making a day trip to "check" things out. Won't know for a few days exactly when that will be.
  18. This issue is being thrown in our face from Inyo county. They state that they have 24 documented cases of this in the last 12 months. they are trying to use it against us to close duners off from the whole area. I will be addressing this post with BLM tomorrow and that post specifically. This cannot continue or we are going to have a fight of huge proportions very soon with the locals. And actually what kind of person would do this, it is beyond my understanding.
  19. Dunepilot, I fully understand that there are people out there that don't want to do anything more than ride. That is why we who do speak(those that do) do it for you. At least we can ask for is your support. Other than that if we loose a battle and we loose the dunes all your riding/camping toys will be worthless. I think I speak for others that are active at the Dumont level are not looking for a pat on the back (although everybody likes to be appreciated) we are willing to step forward and defend our rights to recreate as we see fit on public lands. I have reasons that differ from others but our cause is just the same. We ask that if your not willing to speak up that at least you support us by joining the user groups such as Friends of Dumont Dunes, CORVA, Blue Ribbon coalition etc. By doing so you do stand up and defend the areas of open land that the greenies and self serving people are trying to take away from all of us. If you don't step in and support the user groups than what will you do if we do lose the battle? I don't think quads make good end tables? So I/we do understand your position but you can speak without being heard thru your wallet and support behind the scenes. i hope i have encourged you to look into that side of this issue. thanks, Terry
  20. The road is not finished, it is to rolled and watered and rolled again. The main reason the road is a success is the dust level. We have quite a bit of problems coming from surronding communities and dust was one of them but this is the first step. Will the road be a smoooth road, probably not. Will there be less dust for us and others to endure it looks like it. Thanks for your input Spider as usual there are the b*tchers and moaners who never get involved until it's all over and noone can criticize the decisions they made as they don't make any! This isn't rocket science, it's a road to an OFF ROAD area, if you want smooth highways go watch drag races at the speedway where the tickets for the weekend are a cpl hundred instead of $120.00 for the whole year! Cause as of now your talking to Terry
  21. Ok here's mine Last night just kinda hung around the house and my BIL and SIL stopped by and talked about buying a Rhino This morning I got the car on the trailer and took it to a friends to pull the valve covers to check cam timing, Yeah everything is right there but turbos are looking a little ragged so it's off to Ca. for them on Monday to get a look see from the manufacture. Got the trans adjusted up nice and tight(amazing what loose cable nuts will do to shifting patterns). Now trying to figure out what we want to eat and then probably an early evening. Tomorrow I have a little sprinkler maint. to do and maybe wash the trailer if I get real with it, that just might not happen. Thanks Walt for the help today and lunch!
  22. You also have to look at the "traffic" problems that different passes/stickers would cause. Imagine everyone that leaves on Sunday of President's weekend and having the fee contractor having to spend more time verifing that all the stickers are in place, proper holiday, full season vs. season pass with holiday stickers, Veterans stickers, Eagle passes etc. The traffic nightmare would be horific! I am already concerned about holiday's and the proper passes for those 5 special weekends. Nobody wants to spend 2 hours in traffic just waiting to leave. I believe we have to keep it as simple as possible. Not that I don't think that vet's shouldn't get a free pass and that may be something we at the TRT can address.
  23. Spider, not trying to push but how can you fix something if you are unwilling to fight/stand up and be counted? Your bitchen here is not going to accomplish anything that I can see other than to lump you in with the other dune users who "don't want to get involved" but want everything they might need such as seeing a friendly EMT/LEO when you laying in the sand trying to breath! You get what you pay for and after as much time as I ghave spent at FoDD meetings, confrence calls and TRT meetings I am standing here telling you that you are getting every bang for your buck that you can get. So I am sorry that you feel the way you do, maybe this isn't the sport you should be involved in? Maybe golf or croquet where you can b*tch to the ref of groundskeeper. Otherwise if you have no wish to get involved nor a belief that it does no good to do so let me leave you with this, If the users and TRT had not fought to hold costs down and make BLM account for the money spent you would have gotten a lot stiffer increase no road improvements and no bridge widening that is coming this summer. I do appreciate your opinion I just don't agree. Terry
  24. Randog, that is why the TRT was formed and does not include any announced enviro's on the board(you never know someone's hidden adgenda if they have one till later) The fee demo money is being used at dumont and for the betterment of the area and it's users. As Dave said there are a lot of people on the TRT who have fought this fight for years and then there are the newby's who want to know what they can do to help and throw new ideas at the group. The new fee schedule was a suggestion from a user not a TRT member and it appears that it was the best option to keep the area operating and open. Are we done "fine tuning" NO we have lot's of work ahead of us and we are hoping to improve the plans for Dumont over the coming months.
  25. Don, thanks I appreciate it. It does get frustrating dealing with goverment threats and things not going are way. My point is that if we don't care and join together to fight the good fight who will? I have always said i joined to protect my grandsons right to take their kids and grandkids out there that's why I do it. I do get tired of all the bitchen and i apoligize if I am a little touchy tonight It's been a very long day that actually started about 2 AM. Again Thank You for your thoughts. Terry
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