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Everything posted by ynot

  1. Nice job Pete! I missed half the season and still looking at the video bought back some great memories!!
  2. I know it's the same engine set up as the Rhino and I understand that at about 900 miles you need to look at changing it. Bryan lost one in Idaho last year and it was a pain in the rear getting the belt shreads out of the sheve. Took him a long time and a lot of cussin. I am going to get one for a spare just in case. I have noticed on other sites that the Yamaha belt lasts longer than the aftermarket heavy duty ones.
  3. Pete, just keep looking at the sources you have named and the RJ. I believe that "toys" are going to be for sale all over the place for awhile.
  4. Can't believe I found not one but two shirts that fit me!
  5. Got an ID on the critter; Sorry for the delay. I have been chasing lizards at Coyote Hole and Valjean Hills as well as Devil’s Playground. This is beetle, The Granary Weevil. Very common this time of year. How was the clean up? Bill This guy studies these things for a living.
  6. It is not a satellite channel. It is a local channel that is part of local channel 8 CBS/KLAS. Maybe you could come by for a beer and watch it over here Wed?
  7. The clean up was probably the last trip for me. Car goes to Ca. on the 7th for some "upgrades" and I am not sure how long they will have it. I want to do a quick stop on the way home to test but may be a weekeday trip. B)
  8. I watched the program last night and the Dumont piece will be on next Wed. night at 8:30 PM on channel 19 in Vegas.
  9. Pete, call the manufactuer direct. Ask for warranty parts and talk to them and see if you can get it direct.
  10. ynot


    Beer Can Chicken for us tonight! Hmmm goooooooood!!
  11. He's not in town but John at Ferguson Fabrication has been great to deal with. http://www.fergfabstore.com/index.aspx Tell them you heard about them from the FoDD clean up!
  12. First of all we thank you for your membership, secondaly we are currently without a secretary on the board of directors and that would explain your lack of receiving any letters. We are working on curing this. Thanks again and we appreciate your support! Terry
  13. We are pleased to announce that Mike Woods AKA Woody,whsky70 is the latest person to be nominated and accepted by the Friends of Dumont Dunes Board of Directors as a Board of Directors member. We all are excited to be working with Mike and look forward to his input as a Dumont user and DDR member. Congratulations Mike and welcome to the board!!
  14. Thanks Pete, I will pick it up this week to get it out of your way. I have had that one a long time fits me just right.
  15. I lost a green folding chair over the weekend, anybody pick one up by mistake? It has my name on the back leg. I would appreciate anybody who I camped with checking for it. Thanks, Terry
  16. ynot


    The attention to detail that Mike did on my car and this one is quite evident. No radiator cover and the car looks unfinished. Mike talked to the guy and to me and I am ok with it, personally I wouldn't look at that car twice if I saw it at the dunes.
  17. You didn't lose us I had told Sandemon that it would be a short ride back to camp. He had no lights and dark goggles so he was sorta in the dark! I felt bad for him and didn't want him to have to run in the dark and it looked like Pete was headed for the North Pole. And you wern't going to fast cause I spent the entire trip in 2nd gear. Maybe next time we could step it up a notch and I could catch 3rd? :dance:
  18. The TRT has talked about this issue and I believe there are CA. laws dealing with it. The rule set by BLM at Dumont is that if it has a seat and factory issued belts they must be used and that no vehicle can have a person in an area not designed for riding in. If you add seats to a side by side you have to use seat belts. I noticed lots(more than usual) people ignoring that law amongst others. Biggest concern was kids in the back of Rhino's with no seat,belt or even a helmet. Why more this weekend? More people than a usual "off" weekend and the fact that not one LEO was observed anywhere all weekend. On top of that the lack of enforcement on these kinds of violations has been severly lacking in my opinion.
  19. Please talk to Gary Brewer at Chapman's Las Vegas Dodge! We had a 3500 Cummins out for the clean up and even as a Ford guy I was impressed at the pulling power this thing had! Chapman's spent a lot of $ to sponser the clean up and I know Gary will set you up on a great deal. Please tell them that you heard/saw the truck at the Friends of Dumont Dunes clean up. They will be glad they wrote the check and will be more likely to sponser again. When you are going to talk to him PM me and I will call him and make sure you get the very best deal there is! Terry
  20. My observations; Camping at # 6 is a lot different than camping out in the sticks near #9 It's easy to get Stevo to leave if you want to by just asking him to turn off his truck stereo. Pete's new car dunes really well and yes short cuts around slow people are necessary South pole in the late afternoon is a better gathering point than the North pole because of one word---SHADE! My car went the whole weekend and went into the trailer on it's own----PRICELESS Bryan,Vicki,Mike,Karl,John &Kathy are fun to camp with and are not really Glamis snobs. I want Jon Crowley's job! Getting up and working the clean up takes more energy every year or less beer the night before! How exactly do you break a tranny going down hill? It was Frickin HOT! I had a great time and thanks to everybody. :chev_bowtie:
  21. Pete, thanks for noticing. We all do the work and appreciate it when it is noticed and appreciated. I had several people walk up to me and personally thank me and FoDD for what we do. That made the sore throat,SORE feet and sunburn all worthwhile. I also would like to thank all the girls who helped with registration, without you guys we would still be there! DDR shows that a group of like minded people can bring a lot of power to the table and we at FoDD recognize that and hope to aim it in the right direction when needed. Again Thank You to all who have sore backs from picking up the trash others without minds have left! :chev_bowtie:
  22. I will answer for Pete if that's ok? Bring the ez up to the clean up sign in area which will be across from the volunteer camp area on the right side of the road. It's pretty easy to find with banners and 2 x 40 yard dumpsters nearby. Anytime in the morning but before noon (it gets crowded around lunch time) and set your ez up where you want to be for the raffle. When lunch and the raffle start you can have your spot. Who knows you might meet new people sharing your shade but hey thats what friend are for. If we can get lots of ez up's then everybody can get a little shade. Hope that answers your question!
  23. Does that mean I can keep all the raffle prizes?
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