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Everything posted by ynot

  1. Maybe for me, I have to finish packing up and getting some groceries for the dunes this weekend! But I might stop by for 1
  2. Across the road on the right going in. Not to worry you weill be able to find us easily. We will have banners etc and at least 2 very large orange dumpsters!
  3. Is this magazine aware that the dunes are pretty much all about the machines and that we all wear helmets and goggles? Maybe we could have a photoshoot of some of us in our cars that way you can't tell how fat we are! :gayboy: :gayboy:
  4. The actual event will be across from where the campground hosts are set up(orange netting near RR#10) You can camp anywhere and just come over to register in the morning and get your trash bags. the Dumpsters will be just off the road nearby. The lunch and raffle will be at the event site and we will have a couple trailers there providing sun/rain protection with awnings. We are very easy to spot that's for sure!
  5. We hope so this was courtesy of the BLM and Western Maint.
  6. I don't think anybody disagrees that it wasn't the smart thing to do but you also have to consider that riding quads,2 wheelers etc are not what some people do. Anytime they can gain experience I think that is a good thing. It would be expected that they have a level of competence in the operation of these vehicles and although this might not have been the correct time where else are you gong to get the experience of riding amongst crowds etc than at the hill?
  7. Pete, this was not an attack by any means it was just a statement. Everyone is saying how bad the rangers are and some of that I believe was fueled by the tickets issued. The rangers may have been on their off time but I doubt it how many of us dune with guns? Yes it appears they are novice riders but what a way to learn by watching the other riders and then making attempts to master their machines. They should have flags and so should their trucks I agree. If things are said about it at the meeting it will become a hot item and I would figure that it will be taken care of. I am just saying that I get tired of all the hassle that the rangers get on this and other boards but we(as a group) do nothing to support them or respect them for what they do. Yes they get paid O/T but it is still work and think about this. How grouchy would you be if you were 1 of let's say 20 officers for the whole weekend surronded by over 30,000 people most who have been drinking and have attitudes. Wouldn't you be a bit grouchy and hard nosed after picking up the pieces all weekend. They have a tough job and I respect them for doing it. Could they do better in the way they treat people you bet! It has been a bone of I have picked at every opportunity at trt meetings and other contact with supervisors. Please don't take my posts as being against you Pete or anybody else. I am speaking of general terms. If I had a bone to pick with any one person I would do it in private and not on here. I love this board and am just trying to be a reasonable voice based on a lot of experience.
  8. Geez Ash? Youv'e never left camp without a flag? sh*t happens, someone talked to their supervisor and it should be ok now. Of course you could print the picture ID the officers and make a citizens arrest on these violent offenders? :freakin_nuts:
  9. Maybe that's why he won't return my calls? He's to famous? :freakin_nuts:
  10. So here amongst us doesn't waste their employers money? So the rangers are real people and wanted to have a little fun? Yeah they need whips and it sounds like that has been handeled. Truth is these guys work long shifts of 12-14 hours + a 1 ride to baker or pahrump so they can sleep and come back and serve and protect you. I do not begrudge them any fun! Yeah I know that tickets were given out and I haven't heard the whole story but for some reason they thought it was prudent that they issue them. Maybe at that time of night after having several ok probably a lot of beers they let you guys off as easily as they could. I don't know I wasn't there but after spending some time in Law Enforcement I can safely bet you that everybody got off easier than they might have. Not saying the tickets were right but that well they were just a ticket not a long drive with chrome braclets? :freakin_nuts:
  11. Unfortunatly as much as I want to be at this meeting i have a family commitment that cannot be rearranged. I will attend via phone till about 11:30 then I have to go. That is one reason why Vicki is going so that we (FODD) can be well represented in person. Where are all the peeps that wanted to go when I have to drive by myself?
  12. I have to agree the big weekends are just to much headache. I go there to relax and kick back not get all stressed out by the idiots running thru my camp or just missing me on the dunes. Next weekend will be just fine. All the racers will be at the hills and the dunes will be nice and open!
  13. Bruce, we rode Sperry wash trail to the talc mine and the end of the wash trail. I believe but did not ride towards the Tecopa road that the only thing between the talc mine and the road is the Tecopa dump. However if you bear to the right at the V of the mines(there's one to the left and one to the right) and stay in the wash there is a trail thru the wash that looks like it goes away's. We did not go that way so that may be what your referring to. You have to be careful because most if not all of the area off of the trail is CLOSED. Wash is a fun ride. There is an actual mine over by the little dunes, might that be the one your talking about?
  14. My understanding of the mining claims is that several(many) years ago a group of people got together and filed mining claims on the area to protect it from greenies.
  15. My motor was built for 110 octane. I like Sunaco but will run VP if I can't get the "good stuff". I notice a difference in throttle response and even the odor of the exhust. I have a friend who sand drags his Blazer. He has always run VP but I got him a baffel of Sunaco and he believes his truck runs stronger with the Sunoco. He was running 116 VP and gets better response using 112 Sunoco. Why, I have no idea but I know what I like.
  16. Closer to 30,000 by official BLM count
  17. It's what happens in camp when you let old guys camp with you! Some see the wisdom in it some don't. I think the party ended fairly early Sat night I know it did for me. Getting up at 4:30 to drive to Dumont sat night makes a long day. I missed the Friday night fire but actually driving out Sat. morning was nice no traffic in town and a quick trip. See Pete I told you camping with old guys would mellow you out!!
  18. Bring em on, maybe I will ask some Dumont history questions instead of just tossing them?
  19. Here is some pics from Sperry Wash Trail and yes there is a picture in the group with El Presidente actually in a Rhino!
  20. There will be fuel trucks from F&L, Sunoco and VP at the Primm race this weekend. That's where I am going to buy a barrel
  21. It looks like we are going. We will be camped in the usual place by #9. OGP if your coming out your more than welcome to join us!
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