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Everything posted by ynot

  1. ynot

    In Kansas City

    Man can you feel the love? Ok if it makes you feel any better we did have a slight gasp of wind which must have made our wind chill 67, I almost had to put on a sweatshirt!
  2. ynot

    Stuck that B!

    If I was healthy and could have crawled under the coach and moved about freely I would have lowered the air pressure in the M/H and the trailer, dug out the trans and engine and with a tug from a truck MIGHT have gotten it out. If we had unhooked the trailer the night before we may have gotten it out without the back hoe. But I had already called them on Friday nite and pretty much decided to leave it in a pro's(in this case Semi-pro) hands.
  3. I believe their is a dive hotel in Shoshone which is maybe 15 minutes away. Paharump is about 45 mins. but would have a much better class of room than Shoshone or Baker. depending on the wind sleeping in a tent at Dumont is not bad that's how I started. If the wind blows it SUCKS!!! But you can always crawl into the cab of the truck. The area has pit toilets but no running water or other needed items. SA to Dumont is a long haul, are you coming thru Salt Lake and the 15 or looking at coming down the 95 and over to the 93 near tonopah. I believe that would be the fastest way.
  4. ynot

    Stuck that B!

    Hell they watched!!
  5. ynot

    Stuck that B!

    I was about 100 yards from the ranger station on the oppisite side of the road from the station. So I was on the left side of the road and in less than 150 feet. Got soft in a hurry!
  6. ynot

    Stuck that B!

    It was so soft that even with pads and boards the Hyd. jacks just sank into the ground. We tried boards under the tires and everything else we could think of but until we got the trailer off she wasn't going anywhere. Stuff happens, and actually the wife was very good about the whole thing. Not even a "Dumbazz" I must have been a good boy?
  7. Last weekend after being away from Dumont for almost 3 months due to back surgery we decided to get out of Vegas and go to the dunes. One of my buddies (Ash) blew a tire on the road out and at the same time realized he had forgotten the keys to his new Rhino's, so off went his dad back to town. Anyway we got to the dunes and my neighbor who hadn't been to Dumont to many times had just gotten unstuck and upon seeing me turn off of the road up onto the rocky ridge that runs out from the road to where we camp he flaggs us down. Without thinking about it I turn downhill just a bit and stop to talk to him and direct him to follow us to our campsite. I hit the pedal and that's right where I stayed! Since I had back surgery I can't bend over so no shoveling for me(thank God for good friends!) We tried to dig it out but it just kept getting worse. We finally decided to unhitch the trailer and see what we could do. The hitch on TPD stackers is a very complicated release system unless your familiar with it. So all my buddies are trying to get the trailer unhitched and the power jack is clicking like it has broken a gear. Anyway after struggling with this whole mess about 3.6 hours we decided to spend the night there and had a few cold ones to celebrate! Called a tow service in Baker and arranged for them to come get me the next morning at 8:30 Right at 8:30 up the hill comes a low boy with an old back hoe on it. The guy tries to pull the whole rig out backwards with no luck as by now the engine and trans is sitting on the dirt. Finally I am able to get down to the trailer jack and feel that the catch release is still locked down. I pull it back and up comes the trailer! The hoe operator grabs the trailer pulls it back a few feet and then hooks up on the tounge and pulls it to solid ground. Now for the coach, since it's an Alfa if has nothing but fiberglass up front so we go for a hitch pull. No Luck! Now all my buddies and the tow operator at $150.00 per hour are digging to get the engine and trans out of the dirt. After a lot of work a gentle tug from the tractor and the M/H pops right out under her own power. Lesson learned; STAY ON THE ROCKY RIDGE no matter who is waiving you down! And if you know your equiptment insist on working it. My only mistake other than the turning into the soft stuff was allowing my friends to protect me and you can't fault them for that. Bottom line I have been duning over 30 years and this is the first time I have had to call a service to get me out. Usually a truck and a strong strap has always worked before! Let's see $500.00 divided by 30 years = $16.67 per year that I have been putting aside for the inevitable tow. My thanks to my friends who spent their Friday evening and Sat. morning with shovels in their hands instead of cold beer and fast rides! Walter, Ash and his dad Jodie, Todd, Richard, Ryan(my kids they had to help:) My wife for not nagging or bitchin and anyone else I may have forgotten Anybody else got any stuck stories?
  8. DUDE, I am so down with that and i be rollin big time with you Muther Biatichezs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. Whoa, industrial strength!! Woody I think that would work great. Thank You and we will talk about getting it set up Sat. the 17th in the AM if that's ok with you. I will count on it.
  10. I have been contacted by a company that is looking to do some postitive film work of Dumont Dunes and the people that love the sport. What they are looking for now and over the next 2-3 weeks is film of people doing what they love to do at Dumont. (Let's keep it clean LOL) If you want some or all of your tape to be used please contact me and you will need to send me hard copies of it, IE Tape or CD.Then I will forward it to them for editing. Friends of Dumont Dunes will want to keep it as a positive viewing by the public so sobe bombs,no helmet stupid stuff will not be used. Action film of cars,atv's, 2 wheelers and rhinos would be appreciated along with some campfire, kids riding family stuff thrown in for good measure. This is a chance to promote the dunes in a positive light along with being able to see your video on TV(no Guarantees everybodys will make the cut but it's worth a try). If your a budding film maker here is your chance to show it off! Please E mail me for mailing address or arrangements to pick items up! Thanks in Advance now go have fun and film it!! Terry
  11. Thanks Woody, I kinda figured if it would work at a firing range it should work for us! Appreciate it.
  12. Woody, that would be great can you give me an idea of size, number of speakers etc.? Maybe a pic. I don't want to seem like a pain but last year was a donor and it was severly lacking. Just trying to be better prepared. Thanks,
  13. Guy across the street tows double. To eliminate the 2nd trailer sway he bought a sway bar from camping world and then had the set up custom welded to the front of the trailer tongue. It works very well for him.
  14. I do believe I will be there also. By the way does anybody have access to a PA system? We really need a better setup than we had last year. We had a mic with no on/off switch and one little speaker. If we could borrow, rent etc a system let me know asap. Thanks, Terry
  15. The guy was learning to jump his 2 wheeler by doing his training off the top of comp hill! He had a open broken femur. Not a good place to learn how to jump in my opinion. He might agree with me today?
  16. Pete, glad to hear this news. I know the stress surgery can put on a family and it's always good when the results are postive. She will be hugging her chest pillow for a long time but she will learn that it is a good thing. (friend just went thru this not to long ago) If you need anything you know we are there for you!
  17. If you get something donated from a Las Vegas shop or a California shop please get the business card from who ever donated it! Then please contact me and let me know so that I don't go out and hit on them again. We don't want to be a pain in the azz to our contributors. We will also have space available on the back of the t shirts for business sponserships. If you have someone interested please contact me directly so I can get price and art work arranged. Thanks, Terry
  18. Pete hope your mom is doing ok! We will have plenty of dune time but family comes first!
  19. I use American Mobile lube.Usual price for an oil change with filter is less than $80.00 and they do it right at the house or your job site.
  20. Yeah I was awoken by the wife at 6:30 this morning and told we had a waterfall going outside. Apparently the anti siphon valve blew apart. Must have happened late last night before the pool equiptment turned on and would have had water running through it. So it was a search for the part and yeah Star nursery was the only place in town that had the part. You should have seen all the people wandering around Lowes plumbing dept with broken parts in their hands. Thanks to Walter for all the help!!
  21. In looking at the forecast for MLK weekend I think we will stay home and wait till the weekend of the 19th to go out. I really don't want to spend the day inside the M/H instead of putting around. So Pete we will see you there! I will be in our usual spot by #9
  22. Hanging in there Tim, good days and not as good days but that's to be expected. I am looking forward to some fresh air though. Getting cabin fever around here.
  23. It will be good to see you Mutha Biatzzzzzzzzzz
  24. Pete if you have to get new I think Costco has the best bang for your buck on washers & dryers. more options less money.
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