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Everything posted by ynot
Just make sure you turbo the motor and i am in.
How did you think I was going to go watch the races at Banshee hill? Walk or crawl? I just have to put it in cruise. No dunes and nice and easy.
I will be out for the weekend but not doing any riding. I might make the trip to banshee hill to watch for a little bit but the doc suggested that I don't do anything "stupid" that pretty much leaves me in camp!!
If your coming in from Reno fill up in Pahrump before heading out towards Baker on the 127. There are several RV parks that I am sure would let you borrow some water.
Hell as big as your feet are she could have gotten away with just giving you the boxes and a bungee cord!!
I have a tripod dish that's never been used. If someone wants it let me know.
Contact Danny at High Impact signs in Pahrump! He donated to FoDD's clean up and we would appreciate any support you guys can throw his way! His # is 775 727-3800 and please tell him that you were referred by FoDD He does nice work and I am sure he will cut you a deal!
Pete, I believe I can drag my broken down body to your place for a party. I will see what I can scrape together for goodies to drag with me. It will be good to see all my DDR friends!!
Sometime in Jan or Feb I have to take the rhino to Rhinocraft in Lake Elisnore,ca. I thought we might kill 2 birds with 1 rock but looks like you have to travel in every direction but that one. :xmas_lipsrsealed:
Pete, where would you have to drop the car off at, in Ca.? If so I may have a propisition for you. Let me know what you find out and when you might be looking to go?
Even though they are located in Altus okla. they are by far the easiest dealership to work with. I bought my Rhino from them and even with a digital dash and shipping it was a $100.00 less than the utah dealers and thousand or so better than local dealers. Here's the link; http://www.altusmotorsports.com/ Give them a call and tell them that Terry From Henderson sent you.
I have a collapsable one but usually don't take it. I take a large heavy duty rubber garbage can, fill it with wood for the fire. Easier to tie down in the trailer then carry to the fire area and dump it out. Then I put a plastic bag in it and put a tie down around the can securing it to my table. Makes a nice way to carry some wood out and the trash back. Oh yeah I don't get rid of the trash till I get home when it gets put on the curb!
That's not fair! You tell me than I find out later I have to keep it secret!! WTF!! Santa better have a big azz sleigh and that's all I am saying about that!!
Pete so glad nobody got hurt!! Damm this sucks! I don't know that it will help but I met Tom from Tom Pro cars in Idaho this last summer. I would be glad to call him when your ready to see if I can help with any $ #'s. I wouldn't say we were best friends but while he was rebuilding his tranny I lit up his area with my trailer lights and had several conversations with him. He's a nice gentleman and his wife is very nice people. Again I am glad you guys were ok, metal can be fixed or replaced, body parts well, take it from me they can't!!
We used to do the dutch oven grill even got a special table for it so it wouldn't be in the sand. But after awhile it just became another thing(heavy) to maintain and mess with carring charcoal, cleaning it . Now we always prepare at least 1 meal that can be done inside I.E. Stew, chili, Beef stroganoff etc. just in case of crappy weather. The other meals we normally plan on Bar BQ.
Ok, here's my list based on a lot of years and several RV's An RV mat for under the awning, keeps the rv cleaner and makes sitting outside a little more comfy A small folding table(costco$35.00) for sitting the barbq on and an occaisonal cold beverage A small grill A portable small propane tank and adapter to the barbq so you don't have to mess with the green coleman bottles A couple of good flashlights, 1 for inside and 1 in a bay stakes/nails for holding the mat down and a stout small sledge hammer for installing them extra folding chairs(so when company comes over to enjoy your mat and awning they can be comfy! several small blocks of wood for leveling and helping change a flat on the trailer should the need a rise! paper plates,paper cups and a set of silverware from the house or a yard sale. Keep the trailer loaded just like you could hook up and leave if you had to, leave towels, clothing toothbrushes etc in and ready to go. 1 last thing is the notepad for items you forget or decide you need so you don't forget them next time your at the store. I have a web site for RVMAts if you want to look at them. That's all I can think of right now but I am sure there is more. Terry
Have fun and be safe! Raise one for the
TRT meetings start at 10:00AM and are usually done by 2:00 PM
Thanks for the Ash, I needed that. Your right I have nothing better to do but all day and unfortunatly for you I couldn't resist the shot!
I would ask the guys at the shack for a couple extras. I believe that we delivered all 5000 that we had printed to the shack.
I did talk to sam from Western Maint. before Thanksgiving about making sure we hand out the flyers to everybody. His only reluctance was when it was busy with people lined up. But he assured me he would inform his people. That being said he is doing this for free so we kinda have to work with him on it. Your right Vicki it has been an interesting year for FoDD.
That's not what your wife told me about your slider!! :whip_em:
I am right there with you Bud! It will not fun being the camp biatch but I am more than glad to be in camp then to be home. Good luck with recovery. Take your time and listen to what the docs and your body tell you. If you have any questions about back injuries contact me or OGP, we have both been through our fair share! Glad to see you back home and best wishes
I believe in supporting business's that have supported FoDD in the past by giving donations of prizes for the clean up. Every year National has been there for us and I will be back knocking on their door again for this years clean up. If you do go to National please thank them for their donations in the past. There are several stores in this town who DO NOT support the clean up even though a lot of their business comes from Duners. I won't say which one exactly but they own damm near every factory distributorships in the valley and have not even considered helping. Thanks, but even though it's a long way across town for me I still make the drive to get my stuff at National.