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Everything posted by ynot
Good people to deal with at National I have been going there for years.
"It's high-time we start demanding accountability in the fund expenditure arena. They have the money currently, they just choose to spend it on cops that aren't doing jack for us." This is what I am addressing Pete, the money has to come from somewhere. If you want dumpsters you are going to have to use $$ planned on use for something else like medical and LEO. Even if we raise the fee to cover having dumpsters there the increased fee takes a year to accumulate to pay for it. During that catch up time the LEO and Medical budget has to be cut. It's really quite a dog and pony show. Truth is we cannot watch what everybody does we can only watch what we and people in our sphere of influence do. Trick is to educate and widen the sphere of influence.
Let me understand this; you want the fee money we pay in to go for dumpsters so people who brought out trash but are to lazy to haul it home instead of paying Law Enforcement officers who keep some kind of control over way to many knuckleheads who drink and drive, drive to fast for conditions, drive unsafe vehicles and do other very stupid stuff. Oh and if you get hurt by one of these idiots I guess you don't mind wasting your "golden hour" waiting for a ranger or ambulance out of Baker to get there for you. Me personally have no problem with LEO's I would like more. I personally am tired of all the friggin idiots that have taken a great place and dropped their trash all over it and sent to many people to an early grave. But that's just my opinion and I respect your right to your opinion even if it is wrong!
If he wants a local back guy I can wholehighly recommend Dr. John Thalgott 878-8370. Guy has done right by me that's for sure!!
The Board of directors positions are all staggered as far as their terms run. I believe that the sec. and the VP positions are 1 year positions and will have to re run if they want to continue. I plan on throwing my hat back in the ring, gone to far to back up now! Other positions/committees will be open also such as membership, web site etc. I will post more info along with the place and date of the meeting along with the agenda when i get it.
Scott is a great guy. I was just offering to introduce you to the #1 guy at Chapmans Dodge. He makes the deal without having to ask anybody else if it's ok.
No problem always like the company! Stay in contact with me on it as March approachs as I am old and I forget a lot of sh@t
If your serious about a new Dodge truck PM me and i will hook you up with the general manager at Chapmans Dodge. My wife works there and I would be glad to make sure you get a better deal than that towbin aka numnuts guy!
Next meeting of the TRT is March 6th, 2007 at the BLM Field Office 2601 Barstow Road, Barstow, CA. 92311 I usually have an extra seat or 2-3 when I go down so if smeone is interested let me know. The official date for the annual FoDD meeting has not been set as of yet but is usually in Jan. Last year it was in Riverside but we are trying to find somewhere nearer to Barstow/Victorville area. I will keep you posted about it as I learn more. Terry
Understand that in the middle of nowhere the rough estimate of paving 5 miles of road is $1,000,000 per mile! I don't think we want to go there. In looking at all the numbers you have to remembewr that this area is 30 miles from Barstow which is barely a bump in hte road itself. You have to house,transport men and materials ands provide shelter, do a envrio study etc. Do you really want a paved road?
Folks, I know for a fact that sanddemon and myself have given the dates for each meeting. Hell I have even offered a free seat for the drive. I know Tuesday is difficult believe me it is for me to. Yes e mails and lettters on the "good" things that are happening and ideas on how to fix the "bad" are welcomed by the TRT,BLM and FoDD. Just so you all are aware there are a couple of positions on the FoDD board of directors in Jan. The meeting is in Ca. but it will be on a Sat. and I will let everybody know. Believe me when I tell you all that your help and comments are felt and listened to. Do not feel that you are raging against a blank wall. We all feel that way when we first get involved. You have to remember that we are dealing with a goverment bureaucy and it moves very slowly. We certainly are pushing it the right way with your continued help we will accomplish what we want. But do understand that this an uphill climb and there will always be bumps in the road. Again THANK YOU to all for your help! Terry
You can send your letters to : Roxie Trost B.L.M. Baestow field office 2601 Barstow Road Barstow, Ca. 92311 or you can put together a well written non ranting e mail and forward it to sanddemon or myself before the meeting and we can present them at the meeting.
Richard, the cost of having dumpsters out there and your suggestion of having LEO's enforce correct trash disposal would cost a fortune! This all started from a letter from a fire chief in Inyo county complaining about a few bags of trash that have flown out of backs of pick ups or open trailers and landed on the side of the road on the way to Tecopa or Pahrump. I think better education would have a greater effect than an increase of very possibly a fee of upwards of $150.00 per year. Think about cost of transport of the dumpsters to and fro and then O/T to LEO's to be on trash patrol? Not on my watch! If we educate people about tying down the trash bags on their way home we will be ok. Maybe we could put a letter together asking rv dealers in Las Vegas to instruct new 5th wheel owners of the amount of wind vortex that goes thru a back of a p/u with a 5th wheel on it. I don't know the answer but dumpsters and leo's to watch it isn't the answer in my opinion.
John Mariciano Attny at law on lead street in Henderson
Stacey, I appreciate your concern and positive outlook. Right now we are kinda of seeing where Inyo county wants to go with this. We could as a group arrange a roadside trash clearing day or something where we just take our vehicles out and pick up trash alongside hwy 127. Maybe arrange with the local county paper so we get some positive press? Just an idea? Let me know of any other ideas that anybody might have. Terry
This is a copy of the e mail that was received by the BLM from Inyo County. Who ever dumped their black tanks near somebody's home needs to be flogged!! Fire Chief of Southern Inyo Fire Protection District Dumont's Impact on Southeast Inyo residents. Residents of Tecopa, Shoshone, and Charleston View are becoming angry at the fact that heavier traffic on Old Spanish Trail Road and Highway 127 has also brought more trash and biohazzards. For years, residents have referred to the motorists heading toward Dumont as "Duners." The name does have a negative connotation because motorists with extra large RVs, long toy haulers, and modified off road trucks have increased the noise level in what is normally a quiet area. This heavier traffic has brought with it an increase level of trash being discarded along the roads, and often times overflowing our residential dumpsters. There have been a couple rare occurrences of "Black Water" dumping along Old Spanish Trail Road, the recent Thanksgiving Weekend gave Tecopa residents nothing to be thankful for as RVers left multiple raw sewage dump sites near residential dwellings. It is utterly incomprehensible why anyone would dump sewage near a person house. It is not only disrespectful and hazardous, it is a criminal act. I realize that not all Duners are involved in such despicable behavior, but everyone should carefully examine the implications of such behavior. I enjoy exploring the outdoors as much as the next person. I also enjoy riding my quad. It would be unfortunate if all off highway recreation way prohibited because of a few misguided individuals. But that is exactly what will happen if people in general don't clean up the situation. I have read many articles regarding Dumont Dunes and multiple threats for its closure. This would be a devastating even that may lead the way to future OHV legislation. Although future legislation may be unavoidable for certain issues, everyone can help prevent unfortunate consequences when dealing with trash and waste. First is easy if your willing to go an extra step. Secure your garbage so it won't escape your control. Trash left on open trailers tend to fly out while driving home. Take a trash can along with you and secure it tightly when you return home. Even one item of trash from each vehicle can add up to a destroyed desert landscape. Second, take your sewage to a proper disposal site. Human waste is very dangerous to human health when its improperly managed. Fecal matter and urine contain an abundance of bacteria. Not only is it disrespectful to dump your toilet waste near someone's home, but it is potentially dangerous for anyone who may come into contact with the biohazard. I have taken pictures of the waste sites and have forwarded them to County Environmental Health. It is clear that certain individuals have a malicious intent to disregard public laws and public safety. What else can you do. Help police the situation. Notify law enforcement when you witness RVers dumping their holding tanks along side a road. Also notify law enforcement when you witness trash being dumped along side any road by anyone. Help clean up the trash. A few volunteer groups are now working to clean up Inyo hwy 127 and Old Spanish Trail Road. You can participate by either contacting those groups or just do it. The last issue that isn't related to dumping is to slow down. Old Spanish Trail Road can be a bit boring to drive if your trying to get to the dunes. However, the road isn't engineered for the extra long and heavy vehicles and it isn't designed for fast travel. When you approach Tecopa, be aware that your fast moving vehicle is more likely to run off the pavement, hit a pedestrian, and create elevated road noise. The area between Old Furnace Creek Road and the Tecopa Church is designated as a 25 MPH zone. Its not a suggestion! And finally, Dumont Dunes does not directly support the communities in Southeast Inyo. If Dumont Dunes continues to create a negative impact on the communities of Tecopa, Shoshone, and Charleston View, these residents may join the fight to close Dumont.
I just had a conversation with Sam who owns Western Maint. the vendor who is handeling the passes. It will be fixed and the tri-folds will be handed out on a regular basis to everyone coming through.
The TRT meeting was held on Tuesday 11-28-2006. although I was unable to attend the meeting in person I was able to listen in via telephone but missed the first hour due to a doctors appointment. 1) The FoDD handout was given rave reviews but we were unable to determine how many of them are being handed out. We requested that every vehicle coming in be given one but it would appear that may not be happening. Can any DDr members comment as to wether they received the tri-fold from FoDD when they came through the checkpoint entry? 2) Law enforcement does not want people to camp beyond the entrance to comp thru the pass.As many of you can guess they are unable to keep an eye on what's going on over there and the only reason anybody can figure they want to camp over there is to do things that most of us do not approve of or appreciate if they were camped next to us. I was not in on the discussion but it would appear that they will move towards keeping the camping out of that area. 3) As for stakes and other metal objects for keeping people out of certain areas. There already is a current law that disallows the use of anything that would be considered permanent for any use at Dumont. The large problem here is enforcement and having enough bodies to do the enforcement of it. 4)We as a group(TRT)(FoDD) are against dumpsters at the Dumont Dune area. It has been hashed and re-hashed in here and other forums enough to know it would not be a good thing at Dumont. The Inyo county board of supervisors have sent a e mail to Roxie Trost (BLM) requesting that they(BLM) do something about the amount of trash left on the side of the road(HWY 127) thru Tecopa and Shoshone. I drive that route(s) enough to know that an occasional bag of trash does fly out of a vehicle and is not picked up. I do not believe that you can only blame duner's for this as it happens everywhere. So in order to educate the duners there will be a handout and education process started to let people know that this could become a serious problem if Inyo County wants to push it. 5) The issue of dumping black tanks along the highway should not even have to be addressed but unfortunatly it apparently is happening and therefore must be addressed.If it continues they(Inyo county) want to put a honey wagon truck at the entrance of Dumont for the duners to use. and trash dumpsters to. Oh and they of course want to include the charge for these facilities to you the user in your annual fee. So if you haul everything home you get to pay for the buttheads who don't. This has not happened but has been talked about. If you see someone dumping tanks or trash write down their license plate and report it to the proper authority. Imagine you have to change a tire the next time out right where Joe Butthead decided to drop his stickfish? Not a pretty sight! 6)The fee increase is being talked about but no $ amount has been decided. The TRT is demanding proof from BLM that the increase is needed before any decision is needed. 7)HR549 is a law stuck in congress about the Armagossa River being in a federal recreation area and the fight is to make sure the wording still allows us to cross the river to get to the dunes and keep Sperry wash trail open. There is more to it but that is a quick summary. 8) The river crossing ran into a set back from getting the enviromental impact paperwork done along with early rains which make it much more expensive and difficult to build the crossing with running water. As soon as the river runs dry this spring everything is in place to get the project done. 9) A MOU is a memorindam of understanding between FoDD and BLM which basically puts FoDD in a position with the BLM to get things done in a more timely fashion that normally would occur. I hope I have answered your questions but if not feel free to contact me andf I will assist anyway I can. You also may consider attending the next meeting of the TRT in Barstow and #2 please consider joining the Friends of Dumont Dunes.org. It's $24.00 per year and you may join and learn a little about us at friendsofdumontdunes.org Terry
Pete, I was going to post a item on this today but just didn't get to it. I will elaborate tomorrow on this.
I have both of my grandsons on Honda 250ex's. They are super dependable and easy to maintain. With a set of paddles they will go anywhere. I don't know much about the zuki's but between Suzuki and Honda I would take the Honda everytime. I believe you have better resale also. Should you decide to modify the Honda's the parts are easy to come by.
That property is located out in the N/W near what is now Allante. Several builders bought land surronding it and built houses all around it. I think at some time the old guy caved in and finally sold it to the developers and moved it somewhere else.
Do you own a home? If so the easist cheapest tax deductable way is a home equity loan or credit line. If you need info on it let me know it is what I do for a living. Terry
I think timing has a lot to do with getting work done for non dealer purchases. I know in the summer they are slow and would probably work on anything to keep their techs busy and cash flow up. However as soon as the weather cooled here they became overwhelmed with RV's needing work before the dune season. You can't tell me that these people didn't know all summer long they had issues and could have made an appointment during the slow season. I as a 2 time purchaser of vehicles from JWRV know they appreciate my business and take care of me when I need service. I chose to spend my money with them because first I got a great deal both times and their service department has gone out of there way to help me. That's why I will continue to buy from them and support them as their one of the few in my opinion that give a crap about their customers.
You have to do an "Escort" and your complaining?
http://www.buggylites.com/LEDwhip1.html try these guys with express shipping they can have you hooked up!