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Everything posted by ynot
I am picking up 2 barrels tomorrow out at the Suncoast Hotel. It is Sunoco 110 for $6.25 per gallon. If anybody wants to get in on it let me know ASAP.
I won't be there tonight I already have plans to go to the preseason Wranglersa hockey game. But next week I would like to hook up!
If you have a resident permit from another state and it is displayed on your vehicle then Calif. accepts it and should leave you alone.
Ron, what's the new toy?
We will be there but camping near crapper #9 as usual! :DDR_rocks!:
Well the weekend is just not going to work out for me to make the trip. I just have to much other stuff to get done. Have fun, be safe and I will catch Sperry wash halloween weekend.
Can you get into the China date ranch from the Sperry Wash trail?
If we decide to come out this weekend I wanted to see if anybody was interested in taking the sperry wash ride in Rhinos or on quads. My understanding is that you will want to run Knobbies for the trail. In 30+ years of going to Dumont I have never explored the Sperry Wash Trail as I have always had paddle tires on the quads. Since I sold the quad and the car is being put back together I might be inclined to take the Rhino out . If anyone is interested in doing this maybe Sat morning let me know?
Ok I am off my soapbox and am over it! :shocked2:
Maybe you should consider things from their point of view. They only have so much room and so many tech's. I appreciate that they take care of their customers. Let me guess you will want your rig fixed by this weekend or some other reduced schedule because YOU failed to get things fixed during the summer off season, right? I was in there last week and they had 61 rigs in for repair and 9 techs. With approx. 12 more each daycoming in it just does not equal out. Somebody has to draw a line, you don't like it but if you were one of the many who has bought a coach from them you would appreciate it and understand it. I am not condoning anything just laying out a voice of reason since is obivious it wasn't going to happen any other way. Yes I do know people who work there but I waited 3 weeks to get my rig in there for 3 small items.
Don't know much about the hitches themselves but if you are not a Presidents club member at Camping world let me know and you can use my card.
At the TRT meeting last week in Barstow it was decided to expand the current concrete crossing at the river an additional 24'. This will make the crossing a total of 36' or 3 lanes. At some point we are looking to expand the whole road to 3 lanes. This expansion was made possible by your Fee Demo money that is from your yearly and weekly pass purchases. It is hoped that the crossing will be complete before Thanksgiving with a small chance of it being finished by Halloween. I want to thank you all for your support and I hope that the crossing makes our trips safer and easier.
I believe that World and Ride now are the same company now.
I believe the big weekends the rough numbers are about 25,000 people.
You can get the permits 3 ways; call western maint. @619 579-2020 and give them your credit card # go to BLM office at 2601 Barstow Road Barstow, Ca. and pick one up there on site at the dunes thru the machines or the staff which is going to be starting to be there on weekends from now on thru the season. Building is in place. While your spending money on your permit PLEASE join the Friends of Dumont Dunes Org. for $24.00 per year. It's cheap and your money will stay at Dumont to battle the issues that it faces. www.friendsofdumontdunes.org Paypal is available for use on this site. Thanks Terry
It is not crowd size it is the activity. If you put a group of people in harms way(racing side by side with crowd right next to the race without protection) you will see a large change in the way LEO's act. It becomes a PIA for them and after you haul a few broken bodies out it will get very ugly. Be afraid of what you wish for! If you invite a bunch of "flatbillers" to race you going to get the litter,fights,accidents and everything else the enviro's need to close us down. Then how much will our high dollar toys be worth? Let's keep this little slice of heavan for ourselves and let the people who want this kind of action go to Glamis.
I wholeheartly agee with this post! You want more BLM,LEO, and more hassle? Think about the crowd that this would attract? Litter and more stupid people than you could fill a lake with. C'mon if you want Glamis style partying and shootings etc then make the trip there and leave Dumont to it's family oriented activities. OR you could just hang at the hill, because there's as much stupidity at night there as you will ever need. Remember you can't fix stupid and here's your sign!
Look at www.toyboxcovers.com they make covers for everything. Greg is a great guy to deal with. I won't say the custom covers are cheap by any means but you get what you pay for.
Yeah I know I have been accused of driving like a little old lady(wait till Mikey has to fix what he breaks ) he will understand then!
Considering that GMC bought back my last GM truck i guess I got lucky and chose the better truck since then.
Funny thing about that is I have never had any issues with my 2003 (well it blew a turbo one night) but all in all I am very happy with my Ford and the one before that. I don'y\t think I will ever go back to GM even with the employee discount.
That would be great! Then I could buy a new Ford at GM employee pricing. Wouldn't that be fantastic! Think of all the t-shirt and sticker guys that would go out of business due to no Ford VS Chevy garbage!
Guys at NV. off road on Valley View were contributors to FoDD clean up and have been great to deal with for parts on my car, just a fyi
We usually make the show but this year we will be in Utah at some friends property letting the Rhino get some exercise
other items that occurred; My feet still hurt! If half of the people that showed interest in Friends of Dumont Dunes sign up it will be a killer membership drive! Hint if your not a member get moving!! Walter is a pretty good chaffurer got us and back without getting lost or killing us! Some vendors near FODD booth with lot's of flatbillers and crap music had some real attitude to dish out to their customers! It was ALL GOOD!! Thanks to Walter, Pete and Anna for donating their time to us. We appreciate it. To Sailaway and all the DUNERS gang again thanks for the use of your booth and the party it was fun but my feet still hurt!!