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Everything posted by BearsZX72

  1. I was just checking my calendar against my youngest son's college football schedule. Looks like the weekend of October 10th COULD be our first trip out this season. I know it's a holiday weekend (Columbus Day), do you guys think it will be busy at all? I know here in Cali it's the only federal holiday where the kids have to go to school and we get the day off. If all works out, I'll be leaving on the night of Thursday, Oct. 8th (76 days from today) with the 5th wheel and quads. The wife will leave Friday after work with the enclosed trailer and buggy. Anyone else planing on going this weekend? Then.... Maybe a day trip on Veterans Day, Wednesday Nov. 11th... The next trip looks like it wouldn't be until November 20-22 or Thanksgiving weekend, Nov. 26-29th
  2. Man, I know what you mean, I'm 6.7 and my wife has a suburban with a sunroof. I HATE driving that thing, head always hitting the roof.
  3. Congrats! Love those fat bottom girls! Great looking truck, it's a work horse. Any plans for mods? Get on http://www.duramaxforum.com/ to learn a lot about the Dmax.
  4. Here's 17k.... K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K Where do I pick them up from?
  5. https://youtu.be/GN34HtldLUE I don't know how to embed
  6. I'm posting for a friend. He's looking to sell these wheels. He bought these awhile ago and ended up selling his truck before he mounted them. These wheels are brand new in the box and have NEVER been mounted with tires. He bought these for $340 each asking $250 each (OBO) plus shipping. He has been moving these around for 5+ years and wants to sell them now. PM me for more information Wheels: RBP 92R Black 18 X 9 8 - 170 +0
  7. All good! Good to see the fun times no matter what!
  8. Okay, didn't need to see that last trip pic...
  9. Nice trip! Can't wait to see some of the pics!
  10. Thanks Pete! I have a few friends going the weekend after Easter, April 11-12.We may go that weekend.
  11. It's alive! I ran back down to Transaxle Engineering and had them magnaflux my axles, CV Star's and CV Cages. All was good. I needed new CV boots and flanges so I ran over to Kartek and picked them up. Started the reassembly on Saturday morning, We had it all running and took a test run around 7pm. Nice short run. Then I ran it on Sunday for about an hour. I have to say it's good to have it working 100%. I think it never ran this good in the 2 years that I've owned the rail! I cant wait to run it more this coming weekend, in the desert. I don't think we'll be making any sand runs until October or so.
  12. Really? That seems VERY pricey for a petroleum based product! When crude oil closed at $47.51 a barrel yesterday... @@ltr450rider Yes, Jeff and Johnny treated me REALLY GREAT! No complaints here! Jeff always updated me on the progress and he didn't go over the quoted price (which was great!) I would recommend them to anyone that is looking for a great trans builder!
  13. Okay, another update: Got the trans back from Transaxle Engineering on Friday. Final bill was just under $2800 for the rebuild. Lots of new parts along with a new gear box; my nose cone and bell housing was good. I'll update the parts later and photos of old parts. Do you guys think $72 for a 1 gallon jug of Swepco 201 gear oil is crazy? That's what I was charged, and they didn't even add it for me. I found it for $56 online. Installed the trans on Saturday afternoon. All went good with the install, except for getting the CNC Slave Piston aligned, I was told the throw should be exactly 7/8 of an inch, not 3/4 or 1 inch. That took some time getting that correct. Then I decided to pull the CV's and axles and have them repacked and Magnafluxed for damage. This is my first time working on/with CV's, mine are 930's. Since I was already there, why not. Better to be safe than sorry down the road. As of right now I need to buy at least 1 CV boot flange. I'll know more after the magnaflux is complete. Should I run CV Savers or who runs them? What about double boots?
  14. Well, looks like I will not be making it out this weekend. Still working in the buggy. Check my thread for updates.
  15. Going to pick up my trans this morning! I hope to have it up and running by Saturday night!
  16. Jeff from Transaxle Engineering called...trans is DONE! I'll go and pick it up Friday by noon. Hopefully everything will workout and the buggy will be running by Saturday night!
  17. Looking forward to fishing the Eastern Sierra's and local lakes. Jet skiing is right around the corner, so more camping at the lakes and rivers. We'll be hitting the Colorado River a few times around Needles and going down to Havasu. I need to finish my XR650L project. Lots of desert night runs in the buggy.
  18. Thanks, Jeff is getting me a used R&P for $500, not sure if it's factory or Weddle. I'll ask...
  19. Well, all I have to say is WOW! The trans is pretty much toast. I need a lot of internals, from what I can remember...new 4.56 Ring and Pinon, half of 1st, 2nd and 3rd, spider gears, bearings, diff cover (going with chromoly) and other parts I can't remember. Parts will total about $1950, plus labor. They should have the trans until late next week then I'll put the car back together the weekend of the 21-22, I hope.
  20. I asked Jeff and it was clearance for the re-enforcement bracket on the inside for the shift linkage on the trans.
  21. Well, dropped the trans off at Transaxle Engineering yesterday. While I was there, Jeff opened the trans to let me take a look inside and to see what it looked like. There was not a lot of silver that came out but it was coated and a few small chunks. Jeff and his worker said it was not too bad. All of my gears are Weddle mixed with stock parts and an aftermarket rear seal. Jeff's first thought is that all my gears are good, even reverse. There's to much play on the main shaft. Jeff thinks that my main shaft bearing is bad and some other bearing (I don't remember) is bad too. That's where all the metal shavings came from. Today Jeff will disassemble everything and Magnaflux(? spelling). Then he will let me know what is going on with all those parts and if I need anything else (I hope not!). He recommended a few aftermarket parts to get rid of the cast iron internal parts. We'll see when he calls and what the news is, then I'll see what I can afford from there, meaning "must have" parts to "nice to have" parts.
  22. As long as my car is back together and in good running condition...we plan being at Dumont the 27th - 29th. Not sure about a camping spot, maybe around #10 inside of grid C6. I'll up date when I get my trans out of the shop if we are still going or not.
  23. From what I've seen, the shift linkage appeared to have no issues. No, I have not drained the trans. I'll open it up tonight and check it out. Tomorrow I'm heading down to Transaxle Engineering to have them open it up and take a look for me and repair what is broke. I told Jeff at Transaxle Engineering what was going on with my 091. He assumes that the reason it's not going into neutral is that one of the gears is fused to something (I forget what he said) and not allowing it to go into neutral, due to heating up. I'll update tomorrow on the gear oil and particles and then whatever Transaxle Engineering says.
  24. Sean, I think I may have found the issue.... Looks like the inside of the nose cone is damaged pretty bad. When we pulled the nose cone off, a lot of fine silver and some chunks came out with the gear oil. Here are a few pics of the inside of the nose cone. Let me know what you think.
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