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Looney Duner

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Everything posted by Looney Duner

  1. Wow...This is not good news......Come on TJ pull out of it!!!! You can do it brotha!!!
  2. I have a open carry permit, and there are a bunch of laws involved, you just cant strap it to your side and walk around the mall, it is issued for a distinct reason by the state. As mentioned by several people here in this thread, you can get some MAJOR ATTENTION from Law Enforcement...I can tell you 1st hand, and it definately is not fun having a shotgun inches from the back of your head. I live in Orange County, and I think about 80% of all the issued CCW's have been revoked in the last 2 years, and they probably wont be issuing any news ones as long as Sandra Hutchins sp? is the Sherriff. I do think the right to bear arms is an important right. But man it scares me to think that ANYBODY could carry a weapon. For the record I am sitting on the fence on PRO-CARRY for all....LOL
  3. Good thing your ok, back injuries suck!!! I stayed home by the pool, drank quite a few cold ones and dreamt about all you SOB's out there having fun!! My buddy rolls in from Dumont yesterday about 3pm, we are all trashed, and he shows us the damage on his car from a nice Dumont Comp Hill ROLLOVER!!! We laughed, drank some more and now are thinkng about going out May 2nd & 3rd in the SWELTERING HEAT!!! WHO WANTS TO GO???
  4. Probably about a hundred tattoos, but they all run together :kitty: Have had the ears pierced, tongue, and one other area 'Prince Albert' OUCH!!
  5. I will be getting out there Friday about 7pm, staying till Sunday afternoon. First time out to Dumont in 3 years. I will be cruising a all orange car, 5 seater Sandcars.net LS-1.
  6. Are the drags gonna be inside the valley at comp? or near the campsites?
  7. Is there gonna be sand drags that weekend also, I know that on Thanksgiving they use to have hill climbs, & sand drags. I think the club that sponsors the races that weekend is called Dunemasters. Sand drags on Presidents too, or just hillclimbs?
  8. I had my car over at Redline Performance for Dyno yesterday. 5 seater Sandcars.netV3 I built my own motor with the pops. LS-1 big Lunati Cam, Comp Cams pushrods, springs, and some mild porting and polishing of the heads, LS-6 intake, and bigger injectors. I'm running a Mendi 2-Dalso, so what are the gusses on the rwhp????
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