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  • Name
    Chris Petersen
  • Sand Toys
    The Anti Prius, 1969 Blazer. KTM 450sx, Stock Banchee
  • Gender
  • Occupation
    Slave to the grind

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  1. Thanks. Big heavy truck for sure. We were all surprised it did not break
  2. That was a great representation of Saturday night at Comp Hill. This a a sub culture that is out of this world and a glorious sight to behold, And it happens without any advertising or big corporate sponsorship's involved. Truly an amazing time . Thanks for filming it.
  3. Holy crap-a nanny batman that is sharp
  4. Stroked 383, victor Jr intake, holly750 double pumper, edelbrock performer heads, big a$$ cam. Aprox 500hp
  5. I can't figure out how to embed this http://youtu.be/racZqLLS0mw
  6. That was a nice long ride for a hot wednesday nite. Thanks
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