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Everything posted by steveo

  1. Nothing against 4 or 6 cylinder cars i like them all. To be completly honest i just like the sound of the v8 cars for some reason. i know picking out a car just because of the way it sounds sounds silly but hey i am the one spending the $40 or $50,000 and i want to be COMPLETLY happy with it all. I was looking at this car a couple of weeks ago, I would love to have it. It has everything i want but a V8. Oh well, i can see it now all this shopping around for a v8 i will probabbly wind up with a v6 turbo (watch) Thanks again for keeping an eye open for me
  2. that car is very nice, if it only had a V8
  3. lets just kill all 1.8 million, then they will have nothing to protect
  4. you know i will be there, Grazing in the Meadow
  5. How about this sweet site thats GAY
  6. well there are two options.. 1st install an alarm system in your home and or Garage so that all points of entry are protected. we also offer special contacts that we can place on your tires or whatever it is you are trying to protect. These contacts have different settings on them where you can tell it how far you want that tire to move before it sets off the alarm. Other options: smoke detectors, motion detectors, glassbreak detectors, etc. 2nd install a CCTV system (cameras) we offer a wireless 4 camera system that connects directly to your PC. being that the FOOTAGE will be recorded onto your hard drive we will also include a 80gig external hard drive for the extra space needed. This will give you 30-50 day recording capibility and will not take up any of the computer hard drive space that you currently have now. This system can also be networked which means by getting a IP address from either sprint or Cox that is very very cheap monthly (ex:$1-$10 per month) you can view what is going on at your home remotely from where ever you are in the world just as long as you have an internet connection. For total protection install both. Not needed but will give you some piece of mind.
  7. If you find that it doesnt work well i have a solution for Garage security on preety much anything you need protected. I will not be able to help on the security of your toys while at the dunes, but can help on the security of you toys while sitting at home in storage.
  8. Hey Rhino King President of RKI
  9. steveo


    If you can drive you can work....
  10. way to many pictures of blue bikes in this thread
  11. steveo


    Interviews will be scheduled to meet your schedule
  12. steveo


    call me later and i will explain
  13. steveo


    ADT offers a free system to everyone you just pay a $99 activation fee.
  14. steveo


    I am looking for a motivated sales team to give away free Home or Business Security systems for ADT Security. Full Time Salary plus commission or commission only (FYI - $1000 per week is a very easy task) Also looking for 1 or 2 telemarketers. Part Time 2-4 hours per day Mon-Fri Base plus bonus or commission only If anyone is interested or has questions please call me. Steve McNulty 302-3134 Cell 579-2800 Office Installation Mgr.
  15. steveo


    thanks for the input Edward
  16. steveo


  17. steveo


    good thing kinda GAY
  18. My Webpage this video will skip alittle about half way through just let it play (it will clear up)
  19. looks good JJ, You guys are really putting on the pressure. I need to get mine asap.
  20. what else is left? what do i need to bring??
  21. steveo


    Thank you everyone. i will pass this on to my wife. Sorry Kenny, Thank you for helping out last monday it was a big help. Didnt mean to forget you just not thinking right at the time.
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