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Everything posted by steveo

  1. steveo


    I just want to say Thank you to all that have offered their help during this time that me and my Wife are going through. For everyone that doesnt know My wife's Father passed away on 3-27-06. He was in a freak accident. 67 years Old. Pete, Travis A special thanks goes out to you for helping out the past two days. I appreciate it more than you know. Travis said it last night, (live your life for today not for tomorrow) you never know what may happen. Have fun at the dunes (drink about 60 beers for me) I will see everyone when i get back
  2. Other than that this thing was pretty cool.
  3. I have a new air condensor sitting in my garage i just need to have it replaced. i also need a new grill for it. I do not like that stock grill (cheap looking) Let me know what you can do. i appreciate any help. thanks
  4. Thanks, I feel better about my piece of sh*t now
  5. Thats funny, Speaking of that who do i need to call to have that condensor replaced???
  6. Trav, thank you very much I am very happy with my truck. It looks like a different truck, No more Grampa Style.
  7. Oh, got it. if price was not an option that would be 1 of my first choices
  8. Yes i do and yes thats them. How do you know them? las vegas jeep member (maybe)?????
  9. WAY outta my price range.
  10. I can get you strobe lights for the top of your toy hauler.. Why do you need to have something different just as long as it makes it eaiser for you to find your camp. If it wasnt dark you could just look for the crooked GOT SAND sticker on the back door.
  11. Dave some how burnt a hole in his head right between the number 4 and 6 cylinder. All fixed now and is expected to race on saturday...
  12. I will give you a call next week for sure. i would like to talk to you to see what you have. Just so you know i am about 3-4 months from buying one but i am serious. I would like to find what i want now so when that time comes i know what i want. thanks and i will talk to you soon
  13. whatever, didnt mean to type big block
  14. Dave just called he is at home getting ready to tare it apart to see if there is anything he can do to fix
  15. FYI He is driving "The Grinch" big block Chevy 350 on Alcohol
  16. Bert, I just talked to Dave Stidham out in Primm He thinks he just blew his motor. He is on his way home now to see if he can find parts or a new motor to head back and qualify. He will keep me posted and i will let you know if he doesnt call you...
  17. we should all retire in 5 years and become their neighbor
  18. That is Havasu Weekend,
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