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  1. Im in anaheim and was thinking about going out to azusa mountain road. To play in the rain this saturday. Anyone up for a offroad trip.
  2. where in central cali are u. is it gas? how fast dose it go.
  3. hey guys and gals sorry i didnt make it over to your camp. I was camping next to hill just south of u guys i didnt know anyone so i didnt was to go over there and look dumb. Anywas you guys had some bad a$$ sobe bombs saturday night.
  4. that would be sick. to bad i just have a trailer. good luck on fineding one.
  5. i got mine JACK IN THE BOX
  6. cant wait taking off friday after work have to wait for my girl to get out of work. should be there at 12am. can u take fireworks out there? Look for JACK>
  7. ill be out there that weekend. when is Columbus day? owell im going to have about 10 or so people with me.
  8. cant wait to get out there. Hope everyone makes it out to dumont safe. see you out there.
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