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  • Name
    Steven Bagshaw
  • Sand Toys
  • Gender
  • Occupation
    operating engineer

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  1. Pete leaving in the morning see you there
  2. 3 with us Pete be there Thursday night
  3. Sorry we have to drop out both cars broke thanksgiving tried to get at least one going not going to happen realy bummed was looking forward to it
  4. Me and d becky will be there maybe a couple of others to
  5. Hayabusa sand bullet long travel sand car, 14 tooth front sprocket and 72 tooth rear spracket, modified 2nd gear, reinforced modified chain ajuster, rar drive slides to adjust chain, adjustable foot peddles, suspenson seats, custom paint lots of fun 11,500 obo no text, no emails please call Steve at 702 278 3850
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