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Sticky Dipstick

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  • Sand Toys
    Rzr Xp1000
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    Comp Hill on Holidays

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  1. Makes it so much easier to handle especially when ya have pinching discs in your neck and back.
  2. We camp away from most people. We run mostly electric heat in the TH so a quiet Inverter generator is essential at night and not to disturb others. In that case then the propane central heat so we can turn off the generator. This uses gasoline at 1/3 the rate of burning propane. Much easier to refill the generator than dealing with propane too. Comical looking isn't it? We pick up others trash left behind. We can say for sure in Dumont it's changed in the past 20 years from a shopping bag full to 6 or 7 trash bags full each trip. But still 99% of Dumonts visitors are good campers, leave nothing but firewood behind. Its the 1%'ers than makes us all look bad. Before the pit toilets were installed it was much worse. That girl you see out there with a trash bag and a German Shepard is the wife gleaning what other left behind. We recently RV camped at Jean Dry lake and collected bullet ridden TV sets, sofas, shade loungers and Terribles was kind enough to let us use their dumpster. Wife says when other campers see us out picking up trash they tend to be more conscientious and not so often leave a messy campsite. Wife and our German Shepard picking up campsite trash: We stopped off at Ricks Rollin' Smoke in Vegas and some employees recognized the wife from picking up trash at the dunes. They comp'd our meals and drinks. We didn't realize once it but the music were were playing not too loud had an "acoustic bounce". It was fascinating, we had no clue until the campers from a football field away rolled up ask us to play some more after we turned it off. "We like that you didn't play that damn Banjo Music others play." they told us. I think they were referring to Country Music. So we hold that thought and don't play any music if campers are within ear shot reach of the sound.
  3. The center vehicle has to be a 5th wheel, all must have brakes.
  4. We went to a fund raiser Sunday for a friend in a Halo, wheelchair and typing his messages through a blow tube when we remove his feeding tube. You don't want that to happen to you. Dune sober, save the hard drinks for camp.
  5. We understand eventually our 2001 2500HD transfer case will develop a leak (hole) cause by the oil pump. Is there a preventive kit or something we can do to prevent this from Happening? Thank you.
  6. There it is. Also, rental people think you can just mash on the gas and go. As rentals become more popular, we may see more tragic accidents.
  7. We've done the Tecopa route and it can be a bit treacherous when snowy and icy.
  8. Pete; we have 4 new 6 1/2" All weather speakers you can have if you have an additional need. We went to larger speakers the day we bought it and kept the stock speakers. They're yours if you want them. - Alice
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