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  • Sand Toys
    WW 3705, Nissan Pro4x, Sand Car, 15' polaris xp1k
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    Hair Dresser

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  1. Thank You! So happy you enjoyed watching it. That jump was done by a badass 60 year old in our group! He is a great driver and so much fun to ride with. Another crazy jump is that one at 4:33. It was done at Little Sahara, so crazy how his car disappears behind the dune!
  2. So here is another video. I know we have been putting videos out every other day I feel like. Little back story is I start this video over a year ago to do a 2015-16 season video and just became far to busy to complete it and forgot all about it. Then Jason stumbled upon it and with a lil motivation we got this one done. So I hope you enjoy it as much as I had finishing it. It was a great season but a little tormenting as we were buggy-less due to building the new car. Definitely looking forward to completing the next season video.
  3. Thank you! Happy you like the video. I was excited to surprise you with it last night!
  4. Been slacking on videos as of late, but finally got the video of our buggy build done. I hope you all enjoy it. Look forward to many trips and memories with this one. See you guys out there!!!! <iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/9Up3ujQI9EE" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> Link if the above doesn't work......
  5. I thought I had it. When I previewed it they videos were showing then I posted and there not there. LOL
  6. Thanks Pete!! Now why can't I get the video to show on the page? What am I doing wrong?
  7. Couple more videos I made of our Regulators group. I didn't take nearly as much video over Halloween as I like due to having so much fun riding . Did a little better over Thanksgiving but it will all make for a great end of season video I hope. Thanks for watching and hope you enjoy!
  8. Thank you! So happy you all enjoyed it, it was fun to put together. 2 more months!
  9. Thanks!! Can't wait for dune season.
  10. Video I put together from our last Dune season. Wanted to get done sooner but we have been busy busy. Definitely looking forward to next season and getting way more footage! I hope you enjoy it!! https://youtu.be/yhuwIIUoZUk
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