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Just Mike

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Everything posted by Just Mike

  1. I am so happy that you like the set up. The turbo and the Team clutching work so well together. Can't wait to see it at Dumont. You will really like it there. Lots of room to open it up.
  2. We are working on getting some. The will be a plastic cover.
  3. I can take some out with me if you want Pete.
  4. I had that motor in a single seat rail and it was great. Mine had a swing type axle set up which sucked but it was still fun to drive.
  5. We will have these 3x5 flags available. We also have 22' flag poles, mounts and remote control battery operated camp locators as well.
  6. We will have a couple different sizes of Skat Traks and spun aluminum bead lock wheels in black powder coat. We will be getting them in tomorrow or Wednesday. I can get you pricing tomorrow but it will depend on which package you want.( I.E size, number of paddles and other factors.) They are not cheap but the best option in my opinion.
  7. We are glad that you like the light bar Terry. Can't wait to see you run it in the dunes. We might have to hire your wife for custom light bar covers. We sure could use those.
  8. Thanks for stopping by and supporting us. We strive to give the best service and the best prices possible. Adam appreciated all the truck knowledge you fed to him. I enjoyed listening to it when I could get a chance. Thanks Jack. You are not so bad your self
  9. GTP Off Road will be out there vending from the 26th-28th. We have not heard from anyone that we can not vend so we will be there until we are told differently. We will be selling RZR doors, bumpers, steering wheels,wheel spacers, lug nuts, wheels, paddles tires, belts, batteries and other accessories. We will also have a ton of whips, light bars, camp locators, flags, hats, bling hats for the ladies, jerseys, gloves, harnesses, and much more.We will also have Packard Performance with us Showing off their turbo kits that we sell and install. They will be offering rides and information on all their products. Please come check us out and say hello. If we do not have what you need please give us suggestions and we will do our best to carry it.
  10. Get them while they are still on sale. We will bring what we have left out to Dumont and have them on vendor row but they are going fast.
  11. We have a special going on for those of you who enjoy night riding. We have a great ATV light kit that will mount right up to your steering stem. They are only $150.00 with free shipping. Check it out at http://goodtimesproducts.com/product.php?id_product=307
  12. Shelly it was great meeting you guys. Yea so what about those Chargers? . Just let us know when you guys want to get the paddles. You guys will be blowing by me with them.
  13. What a great weekend. I had a blast figuring out how to getting to know new to me xp900. Jodi was getting to know her Raptor as well. ADam is a die hard. Left for work and then came back. I knew I liked him for a reason. Always great to have Karl around. He sure can ride. The new build we did for him worked great except for he now needs a stronger clutch to hold all that power. Thanks for all the Pics Jodi.
  14. Jill. We will be heading out tomorrow morning. Would be great to see you and that old broken bastard you hang around with out there.
  15. I did not realize how that came across. Thanks Terry.
  16. We will be there as duners this weekend but we can always deliver stuff to you out there. Give me a call and let me know what you need. Mike 702 343 0924
  17. They are never out there on non holiday weekends anyway. Especially this early in the season.
  18. I don't think any whip would have survived that.
  19. We are going out Friday morning unless I hear from a good source of it actually being closed down.
  20. Yes we have a Facebook page. I would link it but Facebook seems to be having issues right now. If you search GTP Off Road it should come up.
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