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Just Mike

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Everything posted by Just Mike

  1. I thought it looked like we were hauling a$$ as well. We were going at a decent pace but it always looks faster when it is tracked out.
  2. I had a great Time. Got to ride and drive a bunch. Great to see Jill And SB. My favorite part was riding to the North Pole with My little one, Jodi and Jarod. . Justin did great and was super excited to ride out side of camp. Lots of things to work on before the next trip. Camp was awesome. Much smaller this year. Quote of the weekend. "we will do that tommorow night" .
  3. I had someone else purchase mine as well. I am sure he only got one receipt. Are they trying to drive people away with this crap?
  4. I have 2 of those bags in your pic and two dirt bags. Also keep a back pack up front and still have the wing for empties. You can never have to much storage. The drink holders on those bags work well. Just dont keep it cold.
  5. Yes the car has a new paint job. Richie and I did it. Not sure what you mean by garage shots? We also added a hood to it. Looks like a totally different car now. . Hopefully I have all the bugs worked out from this trip and it's ready to go. Actually took Jodi for a ride and she had fun.
  6. Not to mention that it was too hot to wander around looking for good pic opportunities.
  7. Rollers are still there. It was quite entertaining doing wheelies over them.
  8. Did it last year and will do it again. Great course.
  9. Can you send me the info on this please. Thanks, Mike
  10. Put up a better video. Need to see it in action at Dumont.
  11. Put up some pics Shad. They are in great shape.
  12. I am still interested. Just on the fence about the size of them. I am runing 8.5 triple razors right now and these will be about 3 inches smaller I believe. What to do?
  13. Hope someone jumps on this quick. Been getting some intrest on CL. I know Jodi really wants this to go to a duner. Smokin deal.
  14. It is looking like the 15th will be the first trip for us. I won't have my car done in time for the 1'st. Might go for a day trip on the quads though.
  15. that was such a great event. Hopefully next year.
  16. Is there any word on the poker run? Need to plan things.
  17. It was a blast of a trip. Can't wait to hit Dumont now.
  18. http://vimeo.com/29134970. SorrY about the link. still can't get it to embed.
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