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Just Mike

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Everything posted by Just Mike

  1. Well this is a little after the fact but what the hell. IT is from our Labor Day Trip to Coral Pink this year. I cant seem to get the codex to work on here so here is the link http://www.vimeo.com/15830923 <iframe src="http://player.vimeo.com/video/15830923" width="400" height="225" frameborder="0"></iframe><p><a href=" LD 2010</a> from <a href="http://vimeo.com/user2519241">Mike Geen</a> on <a href="http://vimeo.com">Vimeo</a>.</p>
  2. I am impressed. Looks great. When you doing up mine?
  3. 2 more days. Can't fricken wait. It has been so long.
  4. Yea I took it for a trst run the other day and liked them a lot. Had my little one riding with me and felt much safer with the doors.
  5. Got a little more done on it.
  6. :headbang1: :headbang1: . Can't wait. Jodi and I will be out for sure. I am gonna have to be a rail groupy this year.
  7. I knew you would appreciate them Rob.
  8. I hope I can get used to it or it is going to be a long season. I'll have one again someday.
  9. Bump. Someone called me on this today. I think it will be sold tomorrow but you never know.
  10. I have been busy trying to make my new camp marker. Here is a pic of the front lit up. Still need to finish the sides and rear.
  11. So is this app called Google Latitude? I tried looking it up and could not find it under that.
  12. Looks good. Can't wait to join for a run.
  13. I like them. They don't make it hard to get in even with my bowling ball shape of a body I have.
  14. I think White Rhino wanted some of these. I am sure he will pop in soon.
  15. I think we are gonna wait a few more weeks to go. Heat tears sh*t up to badly. I might have to work this weekend any way. If not might go sat morning till it gets hot
  16. Pics are working now. They actually went about an inch to far forward from the cage. Had to bring them back with a screwdriver.
  17. Yea I had to get very forcfull with them. Still won't let me add pics. I thought this was new and improved
  18. Thanks Justin. I will see what they can do for me.
  19. I am looking to get about 12 wheels powder coated and wondering who would have the best pricng on this?
  20. When Mark was selling these doors I could not pass on them. Took a bit of prying and a little hammering but I got them in. I like them. Makes it feel more like a car. Also just installed a new primary clutch and a DDP clutch kit. Hope this makes it all come together. Guess I will find out next week.
  21. Got mine from carter and got the discount. I had to inform them of it but they did honer it
  22. You know you guys are welcome to camp with us Al.
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