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Just Mike

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Everything posted by Just Mike

  1. As long as you are there Al.
  2. I have a 6" lift on my truck and was running 35's on them.
  3. Got mine today. It makes me itch even more now.
  4. Well It ended up that my Wheel was cracked and letting air out. Damn Cane Bed Rd. I was so happy that I did not hurt my truck or damage the wheel only to find out that it was junk anyway. So now I got new wheels and tires. MY truck is taking the place of the rail in the money department. Was a great trip anyway. Had a blast riding and haning out with friends.
  5. I ended up with a programmer for my rzr and now I am going to install an AEM a/f gage when it arrives. Just wondered if anyone on here has done this to theres and if so do you have any tips for the install?
  6. I will try to give you a call this weekend and come check them out in person.
  7. That's when I like her best. Got to have scense of humor.
  8. Tempting. Just not sure how it would work out with the kids trying to crawl in there. Or my fat a$$.
  9. I used this fuel pump in my car for a couple days. It is in perfect woeking order and almost brand new. here are the specs and info from MSD High Pressure Electric Fuel Pump Multiport EFI systems require a stable fuel supply to maintain best performance throughout the engine's rpm range. This high pressure and high flow Fuel Pump features a roller vane pump mechanism which is extremely resistant to clogging and jamming. The pump mounts in-line (out of the fuel tank) with two supplied cushioned clamps for a quick and sturdy installation. The nipple inlet is 3/8" with a 5/16" outlet. The wire terminals feature brass studs for secure connections. Made in the USA, the pump is ideal for use as a "booster" for nitrous oxide applications, or as a stand alone pump for multiport EFI systems on engines up to approximately 500 HP. Capable of 43 gph at 40 psi. Approximate flow is 43 gph (282 lb/hr) gasoline (specific gravity 0.788) @40 psi and 12 volts/5.4 amps. Has 3/8-in. hose nipple Inlet, 5/16-in. hose nipple Outlet. Includes 2 cushioned mounting clamps and 4 mounting bolts. I paid 125.00 Will sell for $75.00 702-343-0924.
  10. Yep. It is actually 299 but there is a hundred dollar rebate. I am happy with this phone
  11. I was told the same. I am more and more impressed with this phone the more I use italics
  12. So far ir is great I am guess ing it i will take me at least another week to figure it out.
  13. Well I ended up getting the Droid 2. I like having a key pad to use and not so much the touch screen for texting and email.
  14. Well it would seem that my generator is scared of the doctor. I ran it for a while today and it is working better and better each time I run it. I know that generac says they need " exercise" so maybe that was all that it was. Thanks for all the replies.
  15. I will give them a call. Just wanted to see if there was anyone on here that knew what they were doing.
  16. I am trying to avoid spending to much money on this pos. If I have to spend to much on it to get it right I will just buy an Onan.
  17. Sorry . It does not seem to idle up enough when I put a load on it like the AC or microwave. And yes it is loud but not sure anything can be done about that. I know that the arm for the throttle control does move but does not seem to move enough. Not sure if there is any adjustments on these things. Sometimes it works fine.
  18. I have Generac 4800 that does not seem to work quite right. I need some help getting it right. Thanks
  19. Are you going to Coral for labor day JJ? Give me a call.
  20. thanks for all the input. I think I will go check them out tomorrow.
  21. I am definetly leaning towards it.
  22. I have the chance to do an early upgrade on my phone. I have a blackberry right now which drives my crazy. Looking at the droid x but just wanted to get some feedback on it.
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