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Just Mike

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Everything posted by Just Mike

  1. I have been there all times during the summer and never thought it was to hot. If it gets warm you just stay in the trees and it is fine.
  2. That place rocks. . Can't wait to get back up there again. Made 3 trips last year. Hope I will atleast make that many this year.
  3. If you want to use a curved windshield the Toyota's are popular. Mine was out of a 96 4runner. You can go with a flat one and they will just cut it to fit the frame you make.
  4. I put those on the front of my truck because the crappy fab tech shock hoop I had kept breaking. They work well. Might have to do the rears soon.
  5. Wow. Nice size yard you got there.
  6. It has always had a windsheild. Saved me many times from sand and rocks. After using the gopro all year it needed replacing bad.
  7. Just wanted to put this up in case anyone else needs a new windshield for there car. I had Terran at Team Acme Glass put a new windshield in my sand rail for me. This is no easy task considering that they have to take a stock curved windshield and cut it down to size to fit in the frame. Any way they did a great job and I am very happy wit ht the results. Very few people can pull this off. I highly recommend them.
  8. Do you know how to work on Kurnutt shocks? They are on my Trick car They are all internal with no exterior adjustments. Thanks
  9. I am hoping for atleast 4 to 5 more if money isn't to tight.
  10. Never stayed there but I have worked in a few builings over looking it and it looks to be set up very nice. Looks like there is plenty of room to get in and out.
  11. Hope you can make the Gosa clean up. That was great last year.
  12. I have always believed that if your business can survive these times, you wil be sitting in a great position when everything comes back around that those who survived will be standing on top. I learned a lot of hard lessons during these trying times. I hope to use what I have learned some day soon. Till then I just hope that I can work as much as I can.
  13. well things are very shaky for me still. Construction seems to be at a stand still and remodels are still very scarce.
  14. I would be interested in it as well if he can even do anything with my Kurnutt set up.
  15. I had two of these but the limited model. Friggen fast and handle rough water very well.
  16. Just Mike


    I am fairly certain that it is just a lens cover that you can buy. I may be wrong though.
  17. Freakin awesome. Now bw prepared to have the crap scared out of you. It is quite the strange feeling when you are just so stoked but so nervous at the same time.
  18. Thanks Dr. Lee. You need to show Jodi how to do that.
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