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Just Mike

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Everything posted by Just Mike

  1. That right there is just awesome.
  2. I keep thinking that this thread could not possibly get any more childish but you prove me wrong every day. I am glad that I don't think my car is fast. Saves me from these silly chit talking sessions. Bud. Come on man. Come back to the happy duning side of life. Wasn't you point in the first place to say that you made a fast dunable quad. You got way sucked into this DRAG thing. Lets dune
  3. I forgot to mention that I was thrilled with how much lees trash we found while dong the clean up this year compared to those in the past. Seems that a lot of people have been putting in the extra effort all year to keep it clean it there.
  4. Great pics Devon. That last one of my car looks like I was taking advantage of every inch of travel. It certainly did not feel like we were almost hitting the ground
  5. IT was great to get a run in with you Rob. That sand was wierd a$$ hell on Sun. I was expecting perfect dunes after that wind storm but it was like it rained all night. I was glad to see you geting some air. It looks like you will have some new camp members. Your friends looked like they were in a state of bliss.
  6. That wind was as bad as I have ever seen it. Right before the sun went down and we were out playing in it I could see all the wet sand as all the dry stuff blew away. I am not sure what made us think it would be a good idea to go out in it but I am glad we did. I had a blast. I just hope I didn't suck a bunch of sand into the motor. Time for another oil chage.
  7. If the weight of the car gets to heavy you will need to worry about what trans you are using. Looks great.
  8. I just go down to the verizon stor and have them replace it. Been through a few tracl balls.
  9. I think you should get try to get Pete out there to award it to the winner. That would be a kick in the a$$ for them.
  10. Yea. I have seen him all over the classifieds at GD.com. Looks like it won't be long.
  11. It was never done but 80 Grit has a nice camera that he has been getting some stuff on. The hard part is if we pull every ones videos together it is usually not in the same format. Rob and I have been trying to use the same settings so at the end of the year we may have something decsent.
  12. I agree. I have maybe been that way a handfull of times and usually avoid it. That road just sucks anyway.
  13. I might try to make it. Depends if I can get my house packed in time. But then again I don't usually seem to let responsibilties get in the way of duning.
  14. Another memeber of the over 40 club. Happy B Day Tim.
  15. Hell yea. I heard that he was already getting his car fixed up.
  16. Nice Joe. How did that thing land with that much air under it?
  17. Just went down to the Decatur DMV to take the written test for the J endorsment and the line had to be 200 people long . Guess I will try again another day.
  18. Thanks for the info on that stuff. What did they charge you to take the test?
  19. Just Mike


    So that looks like about 130' right there. Not to shaby. :ahhhhh:
  20. Just Mike


    Holy Crap. You got some mad distance in that last pic. Very nice.
  21. Good to hear. If you get to speak with him, let him no wea are all pulling for him.
  22. I always go through Pahrump. I was pulled over a couple weeks ago after the regatta for going a little to fast and the officer was very polite and just ran my info and let me go. Sounds like I got very lucky. I of course was very polite with him as well. I did not see any cops going that way last Monday.
  23. I was just glad you made it out. Had a great time running with you guys.
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