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Just Mike

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Everything posted by Just Mike

  1. THe guy I am going to be helping out or at least hanging in his pit is Steve Alexander. He is the guy that went out with me and jodi to dumont in june. He is racing a car he just finished in class 5. Not sure what number he is.
  2. Thanks guys. It does look more balanced now. The important thing is that it still whellies with those heavy a$$ tires on it.
  3. Well Bob. It was the most crowded we have seen it since P. Day 2008 for sure. Most holiday weeknds have been about half the amount of people, but you have not been there to witness it.
  4. I have run mine past zero and beyond. I have known people to wait till 40,000 miles without having any problems. I always try to change it when the computer says to but does not always happen.
  5. Looks like we are going. Gonna be halping a friend out tin the pits. See you all out there.
  6. Does anyone here have one of those? If so how hard is it to get? Thanks.
  7. I thought there was an endorsement in Nevada that allowed you to pull more weight?
  8. I need to do this as well. Looks like you need to know alot more than we would actaually be dealing with just pulling a trailer.
  9. So after I got home today with 2 more things of grease and tried to getting to grease gun to work I decided to take off the grease n go spacers and just pack the damn things by hand. If anyone is interested in buying the grease n go spacers from me let me know. They would work awesome with normal CV grease but not so well with the steelco.
  10. Well I installed the grease n go spacers yesterday. The seem to do there job but added a bit of angle to my axle. I was having loads of truble getting the grease gun to work with the steelco cartridge. I called sand snake and he said a craftsman gun works with them. I may have to go pick one up. Loading that stuff by hand sucks and I lost a lot along the way. My garage floor is nicely coated though.
  11. Yep that is the one. The front tires are now located behind the HID's now. Danny is a trooper. He is also a hell of a nice guy and if he needs help through this I am sure he will get it. Get well soon brother.
  12. Damn Bud. All the times I have camped with you and I had no idea that you had all this pent up hostility. :ahhhhh: . Can't wait to see this tomorrow. I normally don't care to watch these races but I will have to make an exception for this one.
  13. Shut up woman and go make me something to eat.
  14. OK Al . I got 2 more racks needed for Sat.
  15. OK I guess 2 should be ok for the 934's then
  16. I don't pack the boots but I do like to pack the cups.
  17. I was running the Bel Ray mixed with the Swepco. I think all the Swepco just went away and left clumps of Bel Ray. LOL. All I know is that my hands still smell like CV grease. I am so glad they did not get jacked up. The strange thing is that the Bel Ray is so thin out of the tube and the Swepco is so much thicker.
  18. Ok I will take 2 and let Terry have the other 2
  19. Hell ya Randy. I will take 4 of them if you don't mind. Thanks
  20. So where can I get that stuff? I always thought you had to run CV grease in CV's . Thanks for the heads up guys. :mischevious:
  21. The only problem with that is the AZZHATS will most likely just through the trash bags on the ground.
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