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Just Mike

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Everything posted by Just Mike

  1. I would not say I eat them raw. Grilled would be more like it.
  2. Where is Frogy going for the night. I have my kids and if it's not going to be kid friendly please let me know.
  3. What the hell is an avenero? Are you meaning habenero? If so I am down with that. If it is something else pleas fill me in.
  4. I am so happy that I do't need to run race gas anymore.
  5. No it actually means that he has been itching to get a rail and after he rides around in one it will only make it worse for him. :trickortreat:
  6. Or if you want a truck with a good transmision and motor package you could stop screwing around and get a Duramax.
  7. You know I will. I am sure that it will only complicate your life though.
  8. I have always heard you should not run AV gas. I was told it has different properties for high altitudes.
  9. It was good meeting you as well Adrian. I am looking forward to hitting the sand with you in the future. We are more or less always camped in that same area. Thanks. I was actually blown away by how many times I had to change my lines because there were so many big groups coming through. I was great to see people out there duning. I had a great time. Got to hang with some of our good friends and go through all the little shake down issues on the cars, mine I am happy to say did awesome. No problems to speak of. Even got to take the quad on a Jodi and Charlie. We saw some crazy a$$ group of quads, bikes and rails coming straight down the dunes then strait back up and over again. Gotta love off weekends.
  10. She has gotten so much better in the last year. I was going a pretty good speed when following her on that run. I am very proud of her for stepping up her ride.
  11. Here is another one. <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=" name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
  12. It was a great weekend. Pics and trip report later. Here is a vid of sandchick tearing it up. <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=" name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
  13. OK. We are out of here. Stop by for a and visit if you see us out there.
  14. OK We are in. Jodi and I are heading out after work tomorrow night. Anyone need someone to camp with? Let me know. :beer_bang:
  15. I am thinking of making it out this weekend. Just need a few things to fall into place.
  16. Why torture yourself all season. Swap them now.
  17. Glad it is working out for you. Looks grest. Thoses rear tires are just huge lloking. Hope to get some runs in with you.
  18. As far as I no now, I am planning on going.
  19. Come on wingy. What are you jealous? Lol.
  20. Once it smooths out you will be doing much better That was just a steep soft run.
  21. Fixed the video. Hopefully the music won't be pulled down.
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