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Just Mike

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Everything posted by Just Mike

  1. Here is the go pro video I just made. <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=" name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
  2. I think Pete has some pics. I wish I was behind him since I had the go pro running but I was Following Pete at the time.
  3. If anyone was planning on going through the crystal way to Dumont don't. Half hour delays right before the turn.
  4. Wow. What a transformation. Good job boys. I will have to swing by when I get back from the D. and check it out.
  5. OK. We are in. Pulled some extra hours to get us back on track with the job schedule. Tomorrow will take forever to go by.
  6. What the hell Cole? Couldn't bust out the good camera?
  7. Might have to work an Sat. Hopefully I will get all my work done by Friday but I wont know until the middle of the week. If I have to work oh well. I am not turning it down.
  8. We are not out untill I say we are out. I will find some way for us to make it out.
  9. Went and checked out the new/used trailer today. Defiantly a great score. IT looks to be in great shape and well worth what they paid for it. Good job guys.
  10. Are those the Energizers? I was thinking of getting those.
  11. We are going to haed out thursday night unless I have work. Hoping that I have work and will be leaving friday after work.
  12. Cole should have never given up his Super Duty. I may go pick it up from Cali with Dave in my truck. Don't want his to try the long a$$ climb.
  13. Weather report as of now says highs in the upper 80's and lows in the lower 60's. I can't freakin wait. :worthless_without_pics:
  14. We tried to get ours there but the parts department was closed whan we stopped in.
  15. Thanks Terry. They told her that they never heard of the discount.
  16. Jodi just stoped by Carters to get our Season pass and I guess they don't give the september discount. I thought it was evrywhere during Sept. It is only $10.00 but everything helps.
  17. That is one hell of a transformation. Looks like you are doing a great job. When will you have it together by? You will need to bring it to a meet and greet to show it off. Welcome to the site.
  18. Hey Phil. Will you be out at Dumont the first weekend of OCT. ?
  19. Paddles are nice but not necessary. You can get everywhere out there on dirt tires. :mischevious:
  20. Yea when they told me 26 I adjusted it to 25.4 . The straps are Pyrotec. I do like the idea of doubling them. Thanks for the pointers.
  21. Good job claening up. You almost made that shock mount area look not so bad.
  22. This is Jodi on Mike's log in... I am going to wait until after the weekend revamp of DDR to upload a bunch of pics at the request of Pete and Nick! As soon as that task is complete I will post up the chop chop action shots!! In one of your threads! Just let me know which one you want them in!! Crackhead trying out a new hobby!! ROTFLMAO! :mischevious:
  23. Never Mind. Called KAr Tek and they said 26 degrees.
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