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Just Mike

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Everything posted by Just Mike

  1. I never got to see any of them. I hope you are panning a personal viewing with me. LOL
  2. Mine is right by the 12 volt kill switch where you store the cord. It is the individual fuse outside the box of other fuses. I have a cr3705. In mine that fuse gets beat up from the cord so it has been replaced a few times.
  3. We will not be able to make it. Hopfully I am working on Sat.
  4. Not sure if your quad will fit but we can give it a try.
  5. I just like to hang at camp and go to comp once in a while. I hate when everyone goes fast. It scares me. I really hate jumping and wheelies. Those people are just out of control.
  6. We are worknig on going as well.
  7. Well at least it has Elka's on it. Where did you get this pic?
  8. I have had the fox's and the Elka's. The fox shocks were better than stock but the Elka's were so much better than the fox's it was ridiculous. I would only get the foxes if you can't afford the Elka's or are getting a really good deal on the fox's.
  9. I like it. I did that to my last two cars. Might do the same to the Trick car.
  10. Here you go. She is a great pup. Wish I had room.
  11. Looks like it was great. Atleast you got the pic of the cows so now maybe Jodi will believe me :mischevious: .
  12. I love it whe it rains there. It never lasts to long and makes the sand soooo nice.
  13. I am in the same boat with my quad. I guess it won't fix itself.
  14. Well I would expect as much out of someone that does not like to go the dunes.
  15. Just means it is time to go to Coral.
  16. That sux. I will keep an eye out for it.
  17. Congrats on the new car. That thing is just beautiful. My Rhino thing was built by them. Some of the best fab work I have seen.
  18. I back mine in but I don't think it would fit if I pulled it in front first. I know it can't hurt with weight distribution. I have a WW 5th wheel as well and it drives great that way.
  19. I am not real big on going out but that was a blast. It was great hanging out with all of you. Happy birthday Pete.
  20. That's my little froggy girl. She is so damn cute. Very weel behaved for just being born. LOL
  21. That all sounds perfectly normal to me. What year was the rail built? Just sucks that it happened all at once. Even people who buy new have these problems. Glad you were able to get it all taken care of. Have fun in St. Anthony's.
  22. You should give 50caliberracing(Richie a call. He does good work at a very far price. He even has a cnc plasma cutter if he needs to cut you anything. 491-1490
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