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Just Mike

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Everything posted by Just Mike

  1. I like the way you are thinking. I can't even imagine the mental scaring that poor kid will have, let alone the physical damages.
  2. When are you thinking of doing this?
  3. Thanks for sharing that wonderful story with us . He needs to be slowly tortured to death.
  4. I am taking him out on Sunday morning. Be there about 6:00 or so.
  5. I sent it again. I will make it easier. My number is all over the classifieds any way. 702-343-0924. My name is Mike
  6. I emailed you my number if you want to give me a call.
  7. What are you looking to do? Are you trying to get to the top of the dunes? I might be up for it. Do you need both sat and Sunday? It will be hot out there. What time will have the best light for you? Oh and welcome to the neighborhood.
  8. Looks like some sort of Barbie Buggy to me. I would be curious to see how it does.
  9. It is the worse I have seen it. I had to go about 10 mph down it a couple weeks ago. We went back through Kanab.
  10. Thanks. I got a better manual which is helping a bit. I mostly just need to finf out what all the wiring is doing.
  11. Well they where sort off motor specific questions. I think the two are different enough that THey don't mesh.
  12. I have an 05 zx10r in my rhino and need some input on a few things from someone who is familar with this set up. Please help.
  13. That sucks that that happened to you. You almost have to tie them on as well if they are not it a box. We hope to make it back up in a month or so.
  14. Just say the word Brice and we will go with ya.
  15. They were there. I saw them. I was wondering why they where there and now I know.
  16. Long travels will fit there fine. I don't personally like to take my car there but many people do.
  17. That had to be one of the best trailer tips I have ever gotten. Made it so much nicer. Thanks Jill.
  18. I think the problem with the fuel pump was that it had sat around for to long and had some sort of sediment in it. It is injected so no re-jet. It would go as fast as I wanted out of the meadow. I was hitting fourth gear up the big hill. I have re-jetted my quads for up there before and it helps a bit. Jodis quad ran pretty good but it is bone stock. It loaded up a few times whae we were just putting around but did well otherwise with no re-jet.
  19. OH NO. I will let her tell the story. I just had to explain the break down issue. This new Rhino of mine has only been out twice prior to me getting it so It was almost a shke down run. I will have to keep messing with it to get it to my liking, but it won't take much. I will put up a few pics though.
  20. We had a great time. On first trip out the fuel pump locked up on the rhino. That was a pain in the azz but got it figured out and when I got back to camp it was a quick fix. Other wise that thing was a blast. Took alot of getting used to. I will let Jodi tell the rest.
  21. OK we are gonna be out of here in about an hour. I will try to avoid the flooding and pick up a few wives on the way.
  22. That looks awsomwe. I have seen those get all over dumnot witht the right driving. Congrats.
  23. Not to mention it would just be nice to have your vehicles identified. I hate not having any form of registration or proof of ownership.
  24. I am gonna let her comment on this one. :argue: Just remeber that she gives you doughnuts every day. Besides I already have a co-driver.
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