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Just Mike

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Everything posted by Just Mike

  1. That's awsome. Keep up the good work.
  2. Totally understandable. What ever you do you need to atleast add a few more bars to the outside edges of the top of the cage.
  3. One of the guys we were camped with on Cleanup Weekend had a fifthwheel and a 16' flat bed he was pullingwith a rail on it. He was from california but I don't know him very well. Not sure how long it was but it seemed to be a good length.
  4. I completely agree. The parts for these are so expensive and you could get so much more for your money if you buy something as a whole. If it is working on it that you are looking forward to, there is always things you can do to a rail.
  5. It was the coolest wedding ever. Thanks for letting Jodi and I be part of it John and Becky.
  6. Wheelies are way to much fun.
  7. That's awsome Charity. I haven't even driven that car yet. Now you are gonna want to drive all the time.
  8. I just saw this in person and it looks great. Great job cole. Now do that to a real machine. LOL
  9. We had a absolute blast. Sand Chick pretty much said it all but it was a great trip. Once again, congrats John and Beckey for pulling off the coolest weding in all of history. You guys rock. And to Jodi, it was awsome to see you step up your riding.
  10. Congrats Dave. Now go make a build thread.
  11. I would have to say the dodge aswell. Oh that hurt. :dance:
  12. I will have to agree that it needs alot of attention. When we left on Pres weekend it looked a wreck. I was amazed at how much trash was out there with such smaller crowds. Will be there for sure.
  13. There was atleast one. It was running around quite a bit. LOL
  14. You forgot to mention the sand and ice run we had on the way back from the north pole through the dunes. That was crazy but fun. Jodi and my son both rode geat this weekend and definetly steped up their games. Had a blast following Bert. That thing rocks. Our camp was great. Always a good time. Didn't make it to comp once and I don't think I missed a thing. There were great lines this trip that made leading runs easy. Cory was stoked to have a trailer of his own. Stacy atleast went on one good ride. She rides good for a dune midget. LOL. Thanks for those of you that helped me get my car back in the sand. Especially Richie for giving me the parts I needed, welding it up. You truly saved my dune trip. It was good to see Jeff Chapman out there, he needs to get out to the D more often. Can't wait to go out again
  15. We are leaving in about an hour. See you all out there.
  16. You guys have fun with that. I will be finding something better to do. LOL
  17. If he can you will most likley need to have some stock wheels to make it fit. I mean the ugly green steel ones. That is what Powerhouse Dan used to do for his. That will be nice to have it Dyno tuned to Dumont.
  18. Maybe wed. night. If not then thurs. night.
  19. It's all good. You can't count any any company to keep things the same. Especaily on different models that have different uses. Would have been nice if they could have put the Raptor power in the rhino.
  20. So when you coming out? We are gonna need help securing a nice spot.
  21. I think those connectors have to be ceramic to disapate the heat so the wires don't melt.
  22. I am pretty sure they sell it just before baker on rasor roar exit.
  23. . I am not sure what you are talking about. Maybe you are confusing a raptor intake with the rhino. Totaly different. I have never ever heard of dual carbs on a Rhino. Anyway predu summed it up pretty well with the jetting.
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