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Just Mike

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Everything posted by Just Mike

  1. So what did you order for it? I now you were getting busy on the compuer Sunday. LOL It is the right color atleast. Just need to get some blaced out wheels and you will be set.
  2. Are you talking about the subie4me guy? From what I read he knows his stuff. Thanks for the heads up on who to talk to.
  3. Well my link computer decided to die on me and it is unrepairible. I am now going to a megasquirt II. I was wondering if anyone has any experience with these. I am running a Nissan VG30DET. I also wanted to know if anyone new some base sattings for this application or had any maping info they could share to get me started.
  4. March 13, 14 and 15th With the clean up festivities being on the 14th This is one of my favorite weekends, gives us duners a chance to give back to the place we all love.
  5. Maybe the software on your ipods need to be updated. When was the last time you had them connected to the computer?
  6. I have that lense and it is great. I only break that one out when there is zero wind and had zero drinks.
  7. Did you try using another usb port? I have had to switch ports before.
  8. If you still have my old yfz it's gonna be a bit faster than stock. It does have alot of bolt on mods.
  9. Damn. That four door on the front page looks bad a$$.
  10. My son has one. It is a 100 though. They are great quads. I am selling his to move him up into a bigger one. If you want to check it out shoot me a pm.
  11. I had a great time. Lots of time spent with my boys on this trip. Like Jodi said Justin is finally warming up to riding his 50. Also Cory taught Jared ( my older son) how to work a clutch. Thanks Corey. Having him follow us on a buggy ride on a quad was friggin awsome. I was so proud of him. We had a great camp. Carl is a funny bastard. Pauly almost fell out of his trailer laughing at me. And again, thanks Pete for the jump start. I swear we were almost the last ones out there.
  12. Congrats on the new quad.
  13. Looks like a great time. Looks like the rail was going a good ditance as well.
  14. I wish I could go. I have to tear down the new rail and fix a seal. O well have fun and be safe.
  15. I think they are ok. I haven't talked to the driver yet but a friend of mine has. Just banged up a bit.
  16. Thanks guys. I will get ahold of one of you to borrow it for sure. Hopefully some day I can afford to do Bob's suggestion.
  17. Finnally got about an inch here and still coming down good here in the northwest
  18. Thanks Ian. It will be down for a week or so. Needs a input shaft seal. I would love to see what is up with it. Bob. You are of course correct but that would require money. Maybe in the summer.
  19. Hey Randog. Thanks for the nitrogen hook up. Made life much better.
  20. OH yea. Have I mentioned that off weekends rule. F all the holidays.
  21. Yea it has that port. We were gonna go see if someone had a scanner back at camp but we ended up helping get the wrecked rail back to camp. It has alot of sensors on it.
  22. Thanks. It has mr thinking about putting the sand limo back on the crappy market.
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