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Just Mike

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Everything posted by Just Mike

  1. We saw you and your group at the North Pole
  2. I have no idea. I could pm you the guys email if you want.
  3. This car is a blast. Can't wait to get it dailed in. It was a great day out there. Execpt for the Tatum car crashing. I need to get it on a scanner to see what is up with it running rich. It has a stock computer in it so If anyone can scan or tell me how to please let me know.
  4. That sh*t had me dying laughing. You should have got video on his moves Cole. He seemed to have plenty.
  5. Please tell me about the hauler flood lights. I looked on his site and saw nothing on it.
  6. Great pics Ian wish we could have gone out as well. I have a feeling there is going to be an off weekend coming up for us REAL soon...
  7. I think I am going to go get an LTR NOW. I had a yfz and rode an ltr and thought it was all around a better quad.
  8. That is the only Corey got all week from what he said. That had to be one of the funniest things I have witnessed in a long time.
  9. We had a great trip. One of the funnest camps ever. Wish I could have seen more people out there. Never seemed to have the right timing for runs. Car ran great all weekend. It did get hit on the wing at comp one night. Anyone good with aluminum? I met alot of cool new people on this trip. That is always a plus. I also got to ride Pauly's quad this trip and that thing rocks. Now I need one. Damn it.
  10. We have a bunch of pictures from a couple of guys jumping there around 2:30 - 3:00 on Sat we stopped to watch after the meet n greet, possibly could have been you?
  11. More like 46 minutes. See you all out there. We are gone.
  12. We will save you a spot right againts the finger in the soft stuff. LOL
  13. I think everyone should just stay home and I will tend to the dunes. I am just glad that I had a car and rhino cover for Halloween. Looks like I might need them again. It keeps the dust down nicely atleast.
  14. Well I am glad you had a good time. Pauly handed me some money at some point in the night. I don't recall even watching any of the fights. Oh well. LOL
  15. I just wanted to thank everyone for showing and suprising that crap out of me. Especailly Jodi. Thanks Babe, your the best. That was a blast. Can't wait to hang out again in the dunes. Also thanks to those who wished me a happy birthday. I appreciate it. My real birthday is next week so if you feel like stoping by our camp for a birthday drink your more then welcome.
  16. That jump has claimed many parts from my car but nothing like that. Hope everything is fixable.
  17. 2.59 at rebel on trop and valley view.
  18. I would say it is whatever YOU feel more comfortable with. And by the way, how tall are you and how much do you weigh? What is your riding experience? This should be some information that is needed in order to answer the question in a better and more educated manner.
  19. Garret is my neighbor. Cole was at my house in those pics.
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