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Just Mike

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Everything posted by Just Mike

  1. I think you need to bring that thing over tonight and let me look at the spacer issue. I might be able to make it work with out sending them out.
  2. I think we are just bringing the rhino unless we end up having to bring the car for test rides. That means we would have room for someone to carpool with.
  3. That would be like cheating for him.
  4. I have run into the same problem with WW. The warrenty I got with it isn't helping either. Not sure what I paid all that money for?
  5. That would make him not only an addict but a stalker to boot.
  6. How the hell would you know that she was on all day if you weren't?
  7. I am not on here nearly as much as a lot of you but Tiff just nailed this one.
  8. :beer_bang: Pete. I owe you a Beer. Have a good one
  9. Damn. That looks like it was a blast. You all SUCK . I am glad to see you all had a good time. I worked on my car all day gettinfg it ready for sale. We will just bring the quad and rhino for the next one. I just won't eat that week. Pics were great. Jodi said that Petes car doesn't wheelie. Looked good to me.
  10. This is Jodi on Mike's login all I can say is HOLY CHIT I wanna try it now!!!!! :freakin_nuts:
  11. Hell Yea. We gotta go cruise the HOMO HOT ROD. That thing would be like vigina repelent. I am sure the woman would have no worries that night.
  12. They found someone who sounds just like he did I think. Heard that on the Adam Corrola Show. Now you old bastards can rock on.
  13. Thanks. It's not broken just a little smashed. It will be fine. I ahve to say that ihas got to be the coolest place I have ever been. If ity didn't steal power it would be that much better.
  14. That was fun as hell. My damn hand hurts like hell. Good news is a found a injector at home and will be putting it in as soon as my hand works again. Even though We were out a little to late on that night ride that was the best one I had all weekend. Dirtprincess can drive for sure. Pete it was great to hang out with you and the monkie. Gotta go ice the hand now.
  15. Should be a blast. Bring warm clothing. It is going to be chilly.
  16. We have rome if you don't bring your hauler. Look forward to seeing you up there.
  17. That band was pretty good. To bad I was half asleep by the time they came on Next time I am not the one who will be driving.
  18. Well if you end up being up there, I hope you can stop by. I can't wait to check it out.
  19. Hey Pete. Most of the camp I usually hang with is going up there for Memerial Day. You are more than welcome to join us. A couple of the people going have been before and say it is amazing. Maybe Dirtprincess will chime in here.
  20. I can see you day dreaming about it right now.
  21. I like your attitude. The season never ends though. Just have to go to other dunes for the summer.
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