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Everything posted by fstteddy

  1. Buggy roundup 2015 was great. It was great meeting all the faces and seeing the faces behind the cars I've seen for years. All of you guys are kick a$$. Special thanks to dunefreak and dent boy for the warm welcome on Thursday. Awsome event. Best part was my car held together and finally got its picture on the DDR website. We'll definitely be back next year. Until then we'll see you boys at the dunes.
  2. Me too. All loaded and ready to go. Be outta here in the a.m.
  3. This is going to be awsome. I hope we have good weather.
  4. Hey will anybody be at the round up as early as Wednesday ? My buddy wants to get out of town and head to Dumont.
  5. Hey my crew will be rolling in Thursday night. Will anybody be there yet. ?
  6. We are in. Bringing 3 cars with me. Can't wait.
  7. Hey dune freak. Any dates or plans for the buggy round up this year ? Wanna try and make it this year as long as everything holds together for thanksgiving.
  8. All ready. Two weeks ahead of schedule. Looking forward to this season. Heading out on Wednesday.
  9. My wife and I would love to come out for buggy round up. We are trying to put it all together to make it. The chance to meet some new duners sounds great. Do we just pull up and camp in your group ?
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